
Why do people want to make the best coffee in town?

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Why do people want to make the best coffee in town?




  1. Never had the worst in town have you!  Coffee is a near religion for some of us, so it better be good.  Mostly they're lying on those painted on the window ads, and are just trying to bring in customers.

  2. to get lots of customers and make lots  of money because if people know u make good coffee they will flock to you

  3. maybe because coffee is seen as a metaphor for s*x in psychological circles

  4. If you're going to have a restaurant, you're going to serve the best food and drink you can....ergo, the best coffee.

  5. because only the best is good enough


  6. there used to be about 4 main coffee companies in Melbourne, now there is over 30, all saying theirs is the best coffee, it is a ploy for market share of the big, and growing, coffee culture in Melbourne

  7. wtf?

  8. don't know if you've ever heard of coffee klatching, it's where

    people would gather and have coffee and chit chat, a social

    thing for sure, and if you want to make something you want

    it to taste perfect right?

  9. Coffee roasting is a delicate art and craft. It requires technical skill and improvisational mastery. To bring about the essence and flavor of the coffee bean requires serious training and constant dedication.  A good barista is constantly striving for espresso perfection. Making espresso is a continual battle against the array of environmental factors and variables.

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