
Why do people want to vote for Mccain instead of Obama?

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Why do people want to vote for Mccain instead of Obama?




  1. Why do people want to vote for Obama instead of McCain?

    In my opinion McCain is the better choice. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions.

  2. McCain has experience, Doesn't have an idiot VP, is not racist, is anti abortion, and actually knows how to handle the war on terror.

  3. Because John McCain has more experience than Obama.  Obama has only been a senetor for a short period of time.  McCain has been a senetor for a long time.  Thats why he is so old.  That is why people vote for McCain.

  4. McCain just added more than eighteen million more reasons with his choice of Palin for Vice President. CHA-CHING!!!  

    They can't say "McSame" anymore. Palin is an awesome choice for VP. I have to say, I really won't know who I am going to vote for until November, but McCains choice of Palin is just one more reason for me to vote for McCain...

    There's also a whole movement in this country to help elders be more productive and live more fulfilling lives. I think a lot of people are tired of others bashing the eligibility of older people when there are many elders who are 100 percent capable of doing all the things they've done in their younger years. Add more years of experience than us younger folks and you have a lot of older folks and the people who love them that are probably hopping mad that people are suggesting that McCain shouldn't run because of his age when he is actually very capable and competent. There's another reason to vote for McCain, not only to show that he can, but also to allow him to share with us his many years of experience...

    And that's what this country needs right now. With McCain's years and years of experience, plus Palin's "breath of fresh air" and her amazing resourcefulness, 80% approval rating, and her track record of actually solving problems as Governor of the State of Alaska, the McCain Palin ticket is looking better and better, while the "let's try something different" show of the other side is looking less and less feasible.

  5. Because my views, beliefs and stances on the ISSUES, most closely match McCain's

    I tried to come up with just one thing I agree with Obama on (I am well-informed on the issues on BOTH sides), and I honestly couldn't think of one thing.

  6. I think McCain is the better choice. I am not okay with some of Obama's associates, his church and his views on late term abortion and his opposal to the Baby Born Alive Act.I don't agree with him pandering to Europe and not making time to visit the wounded troops once he couldn't make it a photo op. I think he is a far left socialist. I don't like his ideas for taxes or his plans for Healthcare. I support McCain because I agree with his policies, like his Bipartisanship, respect his service to our country and I admire his experience and his views like the surge.

    Also because of people like "G" above. I refuse to be bullied into voting for someone with race baiters. Also the attacks on Palin's children disgust me.

  7. obama is a terrifying ultralib!  

    i'd vote for anyone over that!

  8. ...and he's white...

  9. Capitalism,vs.Socialism,to put it in the shortest answer.

    Freedom vs. Oppression

  10. Obama is a socialist who supports partial birth abortion, his supporters attack children and hate women. Why would anyone vote for him.

  11. Because we vote for someone that gives us real answers when we ask questions.  What does obama do?  he says "change" but never gives us a road map on how he wants to do it.

    Personally I think Palin would make a better president than Obama, hilary and mccain combined!   If Mccain gets voted into office theres a 50% chance he wont live thru his full term (because he is so old) in essence making Palin president.  (this would also give us the first woman president for all you women out there who are pissed at obama for stealing the nomination from hilary)

  12. Because they want more of the same.  It is time for a change people!!!  Say "No!!" to McCrap!!

  13. Because they are racists and can't stand the thought of the kind of person they secretly hate might run this country in the near future. Plus they don't know the issues.

  14. All the answers you got are good.  All I can say is

    "All of the above"

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