
Why do people waste money on sportsters?

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There are reasons to get a smaller sport bike (better handling, better low speed acceleration, lower weight etc...)

why would you get such a low powered cruiser?




  1. My fiance got a 1200cc sportster which was pretty darned peppy!

    He wanted this one mostly because of ride height, though.

  2. cuz its way better than wasting money on some j*p c**p

  3. inferiority complex

    desire to fit in with other fairday weekend warriors on their loud, chromed out, redneck-mobiles that only do like what 120 tops?

    My friend said he can get over 120 different seats for his Harley. I told him to get one with a d***o mounted on it.

    I like how that guy down there called a crotch rocket c**p. A Japanese bike, cruiser, or SPORTBIKE. Is BY FAR superior to anything Harley puts it's grubby name on.  A R6 will own anything you throw at it, never the less a literbike or hyperbike like the Hayabusa or ZX14. Boss Hoss got eaten alive by a ZX12- an outdated and now considered slow bike compared to the BUSA.

    Does Harley have traction control? Variable Intake Spacing? Variable Valve Timing? YCCT (Chip controlled throttle)? SDMS Power Programming modes?

    They're still stuck in the 60's.

    a 883cc Harley is slower than a 250cc Kawasaki out of the crate. HOW SAD IS THAT.

  4. I don't want to get too caught up this whole thing, but just one point. I do agree that some people may buy a Harley just for the name, bragging rights, whatever; and I'm sure some folks buy a Sportster because they want the Harley name but can't afford the big one yet. But is buying a Harley for that reason so much different than buying a liter sports bike and then bragging about how fast it is, how superior it is etc.? It's kind of hypocritical to be honest.

  5. Do you actually own a bike or are you some computer nerd , that would p**p in your pants when face to face with a real biker

  6. They buy what they want and you bought what you wanted they spend their money how they see fit just like you do yours

  7. You again, your ninja might make high Hp, but the Sportster can be made to have high torque...all the way up to 120ft lbs of torque @ 2000 rpm...........not even a ZX 14 can match that quite masturbating over them and buy one........

  8. Very simple…. other people’s definition of “waist” is different from yours. Some may say why waist money on a bike you can’t ride across country. I am sure people that buy Sportsters work just as hard for their money as people that buy sprotbikes.

  9. Because riding isn't always about SPEED.

    I ride for the feeling of riding.  I used to own a sports bike and a cruiser.  I like the cruiser better just because it make me sit back and enjoy the ride.

    Good Luck...

  10. why is it any of your concern ?

    i ride what i ride,and last time i checked,i didnt need your approval for it,give it up already

  11. I think the answer is simple.  

    The owner GREW UP!  Honestly, how many people over the age of 35 do you really see riding sport bikes?

    Sport bikes do have their advantages....1)Fastest way for a newbie to get busted up.

    2) After they wreck it there is always that INCREDIBLE RESALE VALUE that sportbikes are know for.

  12. I bought mine to cruise back and forth to work.

    That's about all its good for.

  13. I got a sportster in 2003. I got that because that was the first bike i ever rode or owned, and i thought i should go smaller, come to find out in the long run, i wasnt ready for such (what is to me) a big bike like that without expirence. I totalled it and nearly killed myself. So when i get another bike, im going to again, get a sporster. Thats why i did and will again.

  14. One Day somebody gonna shove a sportster uo your *** , the problem is you might enjoy it !

  15. Why does a dog l**k its balls ??

  16. I don't understand the payment for a HD compared to other makes. As far as comparing a cruiser to a crotch rocket then there are many different reasons. I don't have anything against crotch rockets{people are a different story}, but I prefer a cruiser. I don't care about speed, after all I'm out to ride not get from point A to B so quick that I don't enjoy my time on the highway.

  17. I grew up around Sportster's and every other brand out I even had a Kawasaki for a first street bike and a Honda enduro for my second so when I started looking at finally buying my first brand new bike I went  looking and liked the way the Sportsters they looked and felt I ended up with picking out a 07 Sportster 883L , yeah it doesn't match up to the Honda's and Yamaha's for speed but it handles a lot better then the big Harley's in the canyon's of So California and I can keep up most Honda cruisers so I don't feel I've given up anything by choosing it over the other cruiser's out on the market

  18. who knows? maybe they're just trying to save $ on gas

    maybe that's all they can afford that carrys the HD badge

    maybe that's all they can handle....

    basically it's personal preference I guess...

    just like we choose to ride sportsbikes and alot of cruiser bikers would never ride one...

  19. One of the really great things about people who ride is the variety of tastes and styles.

    When I was younger, custom meant that you made changes to a stock bike. The concept of a factory custom is an enigma.

    Smaller sports bikes tend to handle better for twisty roads and can be easily flicked from side to side.

    Tourers tend to be more comfortable for longer runs, but some types have difficulty turning a slow speed.

    Some 'cruisers' are made for showing off and are very poor at corners and bumps.

    Each to their own.

    Ride whatever you like, but let the rest of us ride what we like.

    No matter what you ride, most riders will acknowledge each other on the road.

    Ride safe and remember to stay shiny side up.

  20. Why would it matter? I put my dollars on a Shadow and I have people park Sportsters right beside it. Doesn't bother me that they park there. I have a guy that wants me to buy a Harley but I am satisfied. If I wanted one, I'd buy one and then I'd be wondering why people blow their money on Hondas. Right now all I want to know is who has been drinking my freaking beer!

  21. why do a$$holes like  you exist.ride around on a crappy rice burner and have nothing better to do than to bash harley.go get attention elsewhere you smug face piece of c**p.go back to hd-williams or balding rider.

  22. In the first place, what I do with my money is none of your business. I don't owe you any. In the second, what I choose to ride isn't either.

    And a Sportster wasn't built as a cruiser. Some just use them like that, is all.

    You remind me of Shallow Hal.

    I'd like to see you try to ride that piece of plastic up my driveway.

    20 bucks says you ask for a bandaid - or a cast.

  23. My first bike was a Sportster 883C and it was a decent first bike for myself as a beginner. The power was plenty for normal freeway riding. But  I soon realized that I was more of a sport bike guy.  I have nothing against cruiser bikes, but I made the wrong decision not  knowing what type of bike I would enjoy more and ended up wasting alot of money buying the Sportster first when I should just of just bought the Ninja ZX6R I have now or started on a cheaper Ninja 250 instead and not lose so much trading it in as I did the Sportster.

    An expensive lesson learned by me being a newbie rider at the time.

  24. Heritage, man.

    If you're going to spend money on j*p c**p, it  may as well be hung on a  "made mostly in the good old USA" bike.  By gawd, when you push a Sportster, even if its just into the shop every evening, you you're pushing over a hundred years of tradition and resistance to modernization.  Who wouldn't want to waste money on one?

  25. Like they say, there are 2 kinds of biker in the world. Those the ride Harleys and those that wish they did.

    You definitely fall into the latter category

  26. I was asking myself the same thing the other day when I saw a guy riding with his wife. She had a Pink 1200 Sportster and he was on a brand new orange and black 883. His kness were almost hitting the handlebars and he probably can't stand up straight for hours after he gets off the thing.

  27. come visit canada, take my bike for a ride.  you don't know what you're missing, you're just quick to find something to pick at from what you've read and just don't know any better magz.  don't worry, some year you'll grow up and gain some life experience

    my sporty was cheap, easy to customize and make my own, doesn't look like a cookie cuttered japp bike, and doesn't contribute to an asian economy like your choices do.

  28. Harley made them originally for girls to ride.

    Thats why they are smaller.

    So now the guys that cant afford a real HOG, can by them, and ride a Harley.

    Meanwhile all the Hog riders laugh at the poor guy riding a be itch bike

    Glad to see the truth hurts

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