
Why do people watch Fox News and claim it is fair and unbiased?

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FOX is a joke.

They are a so called "News Network" based on Jerry Springer theatrics. The people they choose to host their different shows are intentionally biased for or against an issue or person, depending on what they think will get the most air time and attention from the public. It is NOT news. It is entertainment and poor taste at best.

Just like Jerry Springer, it is proving to be hugely popular however. Just watch many of the other networks jump on the band-wagon (ABC esp.) Ratings are up even when the subject-matter has no validity or truth. It's essentially the National Enquirer on TV.

Caution however: h**l hath no fury like a Fox-viewer scorned.

Undoubtedly, I will be persecuted by Fox-viewers around the world for this question. Alas, Fox is the mob.

Are you NOT ENTERTAINED??!! - General Maximus Meridius




  1. fair and balanced (not unbiased).

    if you can't get that right maybe its you and not fox

    can't wait to get it in HD on directv, since liberty media owns fox and directv we should have it already.

  2. Because they are not getting the proper rest, and are not taking their medication.

  3. When I have watched Fox it has shown both sides of an issue including people who have a different view than the host.

    I also watch BBC, CBC, and most of the other U.S. news stations from time to time and see only one side being put out so to me they are not fair and giving the people who watch their show doing a good job of journalism.

  4. Isn't Fox owned by man who owns the Sun here in England? That too is popular and theatrical. And hates to be proved wrong.

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