
Why do people wear Clothing in the Summer?

by Guest57237  |  earlier

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Only pick the best one here and then tell me why it's more important than the others:

A) Decency - Why do we have this shame about ourselves? Where did that develop from, and why?

B) Protection - From germs? Filth? Perhaps if we didn't start this whole clothing thing we'd have stronger immune systems and wouldn't even need clothes in the winter since we'd have thick fur!

C) Class Distinction - Isn't the real reason so that you can try to read people before you know them? Do you agree with that notion of prejudice in our everyday lives? How is it any different than judging people by their skin?

... Basically what I'm trying to say is, let's all get naked. Is there anyone against that?




  1. h**l I'll do it!!...if my parents would let me...haha


    What about overweight people?(I'm not trying to be mean) It should be an option, and if you're a man you have to wear undies, and a woman has to wear undies and a bra(No thongs! I don't need to see anyones *** but my own!). haha.

  2. I'm willing to bet that it's A) Decency.

    Notice that no matter how skimpy clothes get, they cover the genitalia. That's just been hot wired into our mind that our naked bodies are shameful and should be covered. From when we were children to adulthood, we've just been put in clothes. I believe that you listed the reasons from most important to least important. Protection is next, heavy clothes in the winter time and light clothes in the summertime. And the last one... I really can't place.  

  3. they protect you from the sub

  4. It's probably a bit of A and B for me.  

    A)  I'm kind of scrawny and prefer it for people not to automatically see just how scrawny I am.  And nobody wants to see 80 year olds and 400 pounders naked in the grocery store.  

    B)  I'm not too comfortable sitting naked butt on most surfaces, especially not public ones.  

  5. I guess A I have been asking this same question for years why do we even have to wear clothes any time  

  6. all get naked not a bad idea. just kidding that would be crazy but i dont know why.

    not C because that class distinction started way after clothing was developed i think

    not B because i dont think anyone cared/knew about germs when we first started wearing clothes

    so its decency i guess but not sure how that idea came about

  7. i say a

    cause i would feel really awkward and uncomfortable not wearing clothes..

    idk where it came from but it sure is here to stay at least in my mind..

    and yeah let's not wear clothes.

    if we all do it maybe it wouldn't be awkward..

    we can all run around with no clothes

    s***w germs and distinction. i don't care about any of that.

    let's all get naked. (please?)

  8. Gotta be A because lets face it bras keep women from having banana b***s!! Seriously can you imagine the bruising that would happen if we allowed those thing to swing free!?! LOL And speaking of free swinging things, the last thing I wanna see as I sip my Starbucks is a couple of hairy boys clanking together then being smashed (in the way only a pair of balls can be) as he sits down in front on me!!! LOL Come on yes we would all be physically cooler, but I think reproduction would go on the decline!!

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