
Why do people who act g*y stay in the closet?

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I don't intend to offend anyone.

But, there are so many people I know who act g*y, but they remain in the closet as if no one knows, many of which end up coming out years later.

Do you think people don't know?

As a straight person, I have nothing against the g*y community. But it really bothers me when people who act g*y don't just come out. Say it proud! It's called pride isn't it? It's healthier for you to come out anyway because you won't have that stress already.

Now, if you chose to stay in the closet because of fear of rejection, you can do that (although, most people will accept you), but don't be obvious you are a hiding g*y!

Come on people, come out! You know you want to.




  1. lol well i am a person who if u saw me you would knwo that im g*y....but the thing is i am not ready to tell my parents cause im still not completley sure if im g*y or not and my parents are christians..also i have always been a wierd they dont susspect my actions ..becuase i "used" to be straight untill i found out

    but hey at school im out..i mean i havent told people persay but if they were to ask i would tell them

  2. FYI I'm straight yet I act g*y alot. Its just friendly and funny. I'm comfortable enough with my sexuality to joke about it. So to answer the question, they might not have anything to hide

  3. It sucks when everyone knows someone is g*y, but that person is still in the closet and it borders on pissing me off, hah. I just think those people aren't ready for what happens when you come out (even if your surrounding peers and family accept it, there will be lots of people who don't) and it's totally understandable, I say give each person their own time. I just hope "their own time" isn't 15 years later.

  4. Some of those people just honestly don't realize how g*y they act. I have a really, really g*y-acting friend who just recently came out and he was amazed that people sort of figured it out on their own. When I came out, it was less like that, although I know at least a couple people realized I wasn't totally straight.

  5. Some people have parents or friends who would not support them or tolerate them being g*y.

    Some people refrain from bringing up their sexual identity to avoid persecution and/or harassment.

  6. When I was under 12 I was pretty much acting out what came naturally to me but people would tell me to stop acting feminine. I used to cross dress and I even went to school for Halloween as a girl but people started to suspect whether I was g*y in the 7th grade in the 90's. The reason I didn't come out because even though it may have been obvious to some people. I had to first accept being g*y and I was raised a christian and I was fearful of h**l. I remember looking in the bible at the age of 12 and reading that homosexuality was a sin. I didn't understand religion the way I do now as an adult. I didn't see no future in being homosexual at first until I talked with another g*y man and sometimes you need examples to live by.  Plus, I thought that since my father didn't raise me that had something to do with me being homosexual at first, I thought that changing my behavior would turn me straight but I have a younger brother who is straight and I have two L*****n cousins. Two of my childhood friends growing up who were feminine boys as well turned out to be homosexual too. I had a lot of conflicting thoughts going through my mind and I knew that some people suspected that I was g*y which make it difficult and a lot of g*y people have that dream of having a wife and children when they grow up. I was one of them. When my friend and I were like 11, He mentioned that we would be moving in together and I told him no I will be moving in with my wife and kids. I came out at 23 and never had a wife and kid.

  7. because the'ye scared...i don't blame 'em


  8. some country like muslim country give death be informed. and chhristian condemned it.

  9. I think people are just scared and don't realize how obvious it is that they are g*y. haha. its quite funny actually.

  10. It's different for each person. It all depends on where you live, your friends/family's religion, how old you are, etc. It's not as easy as just saying "I'm g*y," it's a process that can take weeks, months, even years to come to terms with.

    Not trying to be judgmental, but as a straight person, you might not be able to fully understand everything the LGBT community has to go through. I know some of my other straight friends that I’ve come out to have had a hard time understanding, but are slowly coming around.  

  11. If everyone already knows then what's the point in coming out.

  12. well if its obvious they act g*y, than they are extremely g*y and are too scared bcuz its too intense

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