
Why do people who are half black and half white consider themselves as black?

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ie. B.Obama

He's just as much white as black. So really if elected pres. He would not be the first black president, he would be the first half black and white president. Right???




  1. Why does it matter?

  2. Because race is socially significant, and biologically insignificant. You don't always look like what you are made of. Obama passes as black, and that's how people perceive and judge him.

    Makes race look awfully subjective, doesn't it?  

  3. he looks black ...

  4. cause hes black. he looks black. white people dont consider him white. they sure are not gonna call him a white man.

  5. because generally speeching blacks have been known to be more accepting of mixed children then the white community

  6. If it looks like a duck walks like a duck and quacks like a duck IT'S A DUCK!  don't try to tell me it's not a duck because it's  25% part chicken.  Obama  may  have white in him but it's the face of a black man he has. His skin hair and facial features are that of a black man not a white man and he himself calls himself black or African American. If he looked white then that's what people would see Obama and all mixed  black/white people as.

  7. Because you're limited if you're white & an asset if your black - sorry, no racism intended. Look at affirmative action. Also he becomes an Icon to all minorities & a sounding board for all future candidates to exploit. I feel in my heart that Obama is getting used by the media & his own party to win an election at any cost. The race card has been cast & the public will devour it tooth & nail. I feel a man should be elected by his merit, not his color.

  8. well, really when you look at Obama, do you see his "whiteness" not me.. but i just answered a question like this, this girl asked why do people who's mixed with white, try and say there more white than black, who cares.. would you have asked this question if he was Mexican and black instead of black and white

  9. If he never told anyone most people would never

    have known it or assumed it. He looks just black.


  11. You white folks confuse me.

  12. well, no Lisa. LOTs of blacks in this country are mixed but arent accepted as whites and are dealt with as if they were fully black so why say that you are white instead of black? THe answer is VERY smple dear, it is because people are RACIST against half breeds just as much as they are against the "fully" black people.


  13. Uh no..

    Most blacks have euro ancestry in some way..Obama technically isnt much different than anyone with the exeption his white heritage is more recent.

  14. - Its their choice

    - Look up one-drop rule

    - Black tends to be dominant gene

  15. because they are usually more accepted in the black community no matter if they do have white in them.  

  16. He'd be the first biracial president, but you know for media sake that wouldn't sound very effective as the first black president. But in my opinion even though I'm Republican I really don't like the choices for this year.  But like I told many others it shouldn't matter the color of your skin (because under all of it  we all have organs and bones and muscle); but what that person can do to fix this corrupt society we live in once they become president. But yea I think they consider themselves 'black' is because it is just easier, because most  biracial folk have the dominant dark skin of their African American parent. I mean so many out there view biracial as bad it would be easier to simply say  hey I'm black. But to each there own  

  17. It depends how they look and who they identify with.  I am black and  white but I look 100% white.  I say that I am white because no one would believe me if I said that I was black.  But, if people ask me I of course I explain that I am biracial.  I have white and black "blood" and I consider myself white and black, but my skin color is white so that's what I identify with.

  18. I mentioned this in a previous post. It isn't really the mixed person per's society. in the past, if you were white and had black ancestors or had an OUNCE of black in were black. That was just the "rule". It bothers me when ppl say obama will be the first black president because it really isn't true. he's 1/2 black, 1/2 white. For example, Homer Plessy in PLESSY VS. FERGUSON was only 1/8 black and 7/8 white...but society viewed him as black and treated him as such back in the mid-late 1800's. Jim Crow laws are to thank for back then. Nowadays, it's just society's ignorance.

  19. White society has made it that way. If you are half black or 1/4 black or have kinky hair you are black. White people do not and will not accept half black and white people as white. Black people accept all races and mixtures. Barack Obama has been considered, referred to and called  a black man for over 40 years because he has black blood. Now all of a sudden white people are just acknowledging that he is half white. What a joke. He will be the first black and white president and first black president.

  20. his features are clearly black, not this question is very pointless.

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