
Why do people who are offended easily even bother to,,?

by  |  earlier

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read,answer or post on Yahoo Q & A?..If all they are going to do is report people every time they get testy over some truth that someone else has posted and instead of debating the point just push the report button why do they even bother?...




  1. I wonder that seems to me that if you dont want to read the truth as seen  from someone elses eyes,dont log on...but you know liberals...they have to have it their way or they REPORT

  2. & here I was about to report someone who just posted that they drowned their cat in a bath-tub, by forcing its head under water.

    d**n ... I'm so liberal, I make myself sick.

  3. because people are full of anger and frustrations

    especially here in US full of loveless.hopeless,bitters,heaters

    etc etc etc

  4. every question I have ever had removed was dealing with something liberals or democrats about easily offended...the points I was making could have been debated and maybe even my mind would have been changed but had to be reported and removed because somebody got offended by their lacking something was pointed out..i agree with you

  5. Sensorship is fun!  We need more laws passed to drown out all opposing views of the Liberal, Socialist Movement.  No "Neo-cons" wanted!  Save the planet!  Ban talk radio!  We must be politically correct! Burn all George Orwell books!

  6. America has rasied a generation of pansies who think that they know everything and when someone shows them they dont,they cry and pout and report the offender to the authorities...wimpy pansies everyone of them....

  7. Because they couldn`t recognise the truth if it bit them in the a*rse.

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