
Why do people who do not believe in the gospel seem hurt and angry at those of us who do?

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We do not desire any one should perish.

If any one says he is a Christian and hates his neighbour ,is a liar.




  1. Then all 'Christians' are liars. No one is all loving.

    About the hurt and angry thing, you'd be surprised how many people will call me full of hate just because I ask a question that they can't answer intelligently.

  2. Unfortunately, there are christians out there who have done some bad things.  And it effects those who witness them.  Especially if abuse is involved.  So on top of a bad example these christians have wounded others.  I know that there are many sincere christians out there, but isn't it true that they seem to be harder and harder to locate?  Or are they just too busy?  

    I am a believer in Christ who has been wounded by my brothers and sisters in Christ.  I choose to forgive them.  But I am amazed at the lack of awareness of a very real problem.  I am not the only christian who has been hurt.  And I can only imagine how many who have turned away from God because of this very subject.  

    I'm not complaining, but I will say that we as christians need to get serious and pray.  And start with our own hearts in holding ourselves accountable before God for our words and actions.  And hopefully be able to make amends with those we have hurt.

  3. In my case it is because Christians want to make me feel ashamed that I don't believe in it. That and their ignorance and intolerance for other beliefs and practices. Too many Christians I know are just plain rude about it. They feel they are free as birds to practice and preach their religion, but if I put a bumper sticker on my car with the word "atheist" on it, it hurts my image, and people around here like to be 'polite', but turn around and run their f****** mouths about it. I hate this place.

  4. I'm not hurt or angry, I just don't appreciate it when people try to force their beliefs on myself or my family.

  5. I don't get annoyed/hurt/angry at people for the content of their beliefs, I get annoyed/hurt/angry at people who try to push those beliefs on me without asking if I want to hear more and without paying attention when I ask them to please stop. I try to respect other peoples' beliefs (even if I don't like or agree with them) and I just want people to respect my beliefs in return.

  6. Christians, and Muslims as well, need to realize that we all have the right to our own opinion, but especially, that trying to force their beliefs on others will only alienate them more.  Humans beings, by nature, reject impositions, and "forced conversions" have no value at all.....

  7. Tammy, primarily because there is a branch of Christianity that is imposing their beliefs on my life.  They're making my kids cry at school, messing with how science is taught, forbidding certain people to marry, deciding which medical proceedures we can have, etc.

  8. So you don't believe we will go to h**l?  That we are damned?  That we have no morals?  That we are evil?

    Then you are among the minority.

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