
Why do people who dont completely follow Islam....?

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Like their manners and everything....... still go attack other sects.

I understand you have to expose them but first u have to start with yourself.

Preaching and not following, now wouldnt that be hypocrisy ???

We jump to shias and dont look at ourselves !!! abusing cheating lying.....

They will look at this and this will be a cause for them to look down on what you say......

What do u think?

Opinions plz




  1. this is the sunni thinking of shiaa???

    lolz...thanx for da laugh!!!

  2. because we are human being and it is immpossible for us to not to make mistakes.

  3. Your Islam is different than that of the Shia's, the Islam of Amhadiyya's is different again and so on.

    You say that many Shia 'convert' to Sunni. Do you know that the Ahmadiyya community had 340.000 converts this year alone, of which many were former Sunni's?

    I think every Muslim tries to follow his/her Islam (sect) as best as he/she can. I think every Muslim does his best to convince others that the sect he/she follows is the right path.

    But the way to do so is in a lot of cases indeed not the right way. Accusing the other, ridiculing the other, being downright rude and aggressive to the others.

    I guess that's why the Ahmadiyya are so successful. The way they give Dawah is respectful. They always stay polite no matter how they get insulted or belittled. You can see some fine examples right here in Y!A. In that respect we can learn a lot if them!

    Let me fisnish with a very wise saying of my father: 'There are 2 things that are hard to have a civilized discussion about: politics and religion.'

    A home truth, because if you feel passionate about something, it is hard to stay cool and respectful towards the other and what he/she believes in and it is oh so easy to lose control.

  4. Muslims should follow what Allah (swt) says:

    (Enjoin you Al-Birr (piety and righteousness and every act of obedience to Allah) on the people and you forget (to practise it) yourselves, while you recite the Scripture (Tawrah))! Have you then no sense) 2:44.

  5. I don't know why anyone who claims to follow Islam would attack anyone.  I'm not saying we can't defend ourselves, but Islam is peace and justice.  Let there be no fighting except against the aggressors.  Allah knows best.

  6. its like the old saying "people in glass houses should not throw stones".  Of course one should take personal stock before going and pointing the finger at others.  For me personally I stay out of it, partially because I find it all to juvenile, and partly because honestly I need to make many improvements myself.

  7. I've tried making it a point before that speaking about the sects is not really meant for many of the layman people, particularly here on Yahoo Answers.

    First, do not think that I'm negating the wujoob of refuting the people of deviations and innovations. Rather I say that it is upon the 'Ulemaa to refute the sects.

    We find this in the statement of Shaykh-ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah in his Majmoo’ al-Fataawa (4/13):

    ‏فالراد على أهل البدع مجاهد

    ((The one who refutes the people of innovations is a Mujaahid (one who strives in the path of Allaah)))

    And it's upon us, the laymans, to transmit the statements of the Ulemaa and nothing more.

    None of us are "perfect" and by no means are we close but this is not an excuse to ignore the Rawaafidh and the Ahlul Bid'ah.

    I prefer that rather than posting "Anti" Rawaafidh material, that the Sunnis post information on Tawheed, because Tawheed refutes the beliefs of the Rawaafidh.

    As for the Ulemaa, then they've debated the Rawaafidh. Ibn Taymiyyah wrote Minhaaj as Sunnah which is a powerful blow to the Rawaafidh, even in our times... Shaykh Ihsaan Illaahi Zaheer refuted them in many books and was murdered by them. They put a bomb in a bouquet of flowers for him and killed him along with some others. Shaykh Muqbil rahiamhuallaah, he refuted them often (as he used to be a Shee'ee Zaydee) and they tried to blow him up with Dynamite while he gave his classes, however Allaah saved him and caused the dynamite to explode only in the hands of the Shee'ah who held it walhmadulillaah.

    There are much more examples.

    But as for supporting the Shee'ah and befriending them and the likes of this, then look at the statement of Ibraaheem al Maysarah:

    Imaam al-Laalikaa’ee reported in his Sharh Usool al-I’tiqaad (139) that Ibraaheem al-Maysarah said:

    ومن وقر صاحب بدعة فقد أعان على هدم الإسلام

    ((Who ever honors the innovator then he has aided in the destruction of Islaam))

  8. I totally agree with Mohammad. There is no perfect Muslim except the Prophet Muhammad PBUH and even he was human and mankind must use and follow his example. This is the best we can do. If we model ourselves after good behavior and tryhard in our hearts to be pleasing to Allah SWT and then make mistakes Allah is oft forgiving and merciful...if we truly ask forgiveness with pure intent.

  9. Salam for you my dear friend; People do not follow Islam complete because :

    1) they are talking to each other that theirs is the right one

    2)they do not learn and understand well the islamic religion

    and practise it in their daily life

    3)they see the difference and attacked each other ,they forget that Islam is a peaceful religion

    4)they do not see the simililarity that we are muslims as brothers and sisters who should love,respect and help each other

    5)they are  easily tempted by satans who bring them to the wrong doings due to the weak faith and arrogant

  10. Yes Majid i think u r right.We should be perfect before pointing out at others belief.Abusing is not the solution.I agree with u!

    I hope some brainless people will get this message.

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