
Why do people who drink bottle water complain about the price of gas?

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Gas in my country has just hit $2.00 a litre. Bottled water is free from the tap but people buy it in bottles for $3.50 a litre. Then they complain to me about gas prices while they are drinking it. Are people that stupid?




  1. d**n your gas is cheap in my country gas cost $4 a gallon

  2. Haha, exactly.  You took the words out of my mouth.  It blows my mind!

  3. tap water can have chemicals and minerals in it that are not good for your body and can make you sick, so why take the chance of getting terribly sick. and fyi....i dont drive a car or use gas, i ride my bike

  4. Bottled water is a fraud. Dasani, for instance, has far more harmful microbes than does most tapwater. People would do well just to boil water unless it is absolutely putrid. Another issue has to do with the plastic bottles, which release harmful agents into your bloodstream and thus additionally damage you with toxins. The bottles are also a huge environmental problem.

  5. people us gas more then they drink bottled water and by the way tap still has chlorine in it (the stuff they put in pools) its bad for you

  6. I'm in the US - and our gas has gone over $4 per gallon (1 gallon = 3.785 liters) so, the writer of this question is paying close to $8 a gallon for his gas.

    It is ironic that people will pay so much for bottled water too. In the US it's become almost trendy to sip on overpriced water. I'm surprised there hasn't been an "upscale" gas station to cater to people who need "designer fuel"! lol

  7. What is insane is that bottled water is even marketed and sold. Your taxes and my taxes paid for a clean water system 18 times over.

    And those are just the taxes from the gasoline and other fuels.

    If a person chooses to pay $3 for a drink of water   and if a person chooses to pay the same or more to help pollute the water, well I reckon humans are idiots.

    And that is what the tax collectors rely on.

  8. Funny, my roommate does that same thing.  I'm going to call her out on it next time.

  9. I use a filter jug to purify my tap water...I know there are trace elements(chlorine, fluoride) that I like to remove, but I still drink tap water over designer label bottled water.    There are reverse osmosis systems that give you virtually distilled quality water for less than 50c/litre.    If you have 20 litre 99.9% pure water delivered, the price is about 75c a litre, which is not bad.

    In Australia petrol(gas) is $1.50/litre, about $5.75 a gallon, and predicted to go to $2.00/litre by the end of the year.

    I got an e-mail about running a car on water...does anyone know if there is any truth in it? Doesn't sound possible.

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