
Why do people who drink bottled water complain about the price of gas?

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Gas in my country has just hit $2.00 a litre. Bottled water is free from the tap but people buy it in bottles for $3.50 a litre. Then they complain to me about gas prices while they are drinking it. Are people that stupid?




  1. Mind blowing isn't it? In the US, gas prices are now at least $4.00 per gallon and people complain and point finger and go on and on. And yet, even as they complain and bemoan the rise in fuel, they buy bottled water that is (at least) $1 for 20 oz. This equals $6.40 per gallon for water that the companies often admit is just filtered tap water, the very same water that comes out of our sinks.

    People just have no common sense anymore.

  2. well, it does make one wonder, to say the least.

    on the other hand, most folks don't drink 2-4-6-8 gallons a day.

    and they don't have hummer stomachs, whining as they're sucking money.

  3. Yes they are.

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