
Why do people who fail at Primerica bash it? Isn't it their fault they failed?

by Guest33033  |  earlier

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Why do people who fail at Primerica bash it? Isn't it their fault they failed?




  1. I wouldn't necessarily say that people who fail in Primerica would bash it. Its their friends and people they know who would bash Primerica. They think, "It it didn't work for him, its not going to work for me." So they base their future on how other's fail and don't give them self the opportunity to see if it can work for them. Some will take the opportunity and some won't. It doesn't matter. I just move on and keep finding the next person.

    But most of the bashing comes from agents from other companies. They don't like how Primerica is taking their clients away and so they make stuff up and post it on the internet. They say things like Primerica is a scam, when its totally untrue because I have my licenses to back that up. They say things that Primerica's products are expensive. I don't see how that's even possible when we save clients a few hundred dollars and allocate that savings toward principal payment of debt and invest the rest.

    Is it their fault that some people fail? It depends on the situation. Did the person quit the first day? Did the upline stay in contact with his/her downline? Was the person coachable? Did fear drive them away?

  2. Simple. They came into the company thinking it was a job. Where they are given stuff to do instead of creating.

    It is an opportunity to build a business and it require people to do things out of their comfort zones.

    Bill Gates was probably out of his comfort zone when he was pitching Microsoft products to IBM.

  3. If anyone fails at this company it is most likely their fault but sometimes the blame belongs to the recruiting agents.  Some people join without hearing all the facts and when the get a clear picture of what it is about, then they quit.  Others find out that there are better products out there for the clients and quit the business all together or find some other agency.  

    Well the truth is that consumers, other financial professionals and former agents from your company bash you guys.  You guys are not a scam, but when it comes to buy term and invest the difference or getting out of debt, consumers get better deals across the board if the went elsewhere.  

    Many claim that these guys are not knowledgeable, for example, one of their blogs they have misinformation about how many term policies results in death claims.  The truth is that more than 2% of Americans owns term insurance and only around 2% of the term policies ever result in a death claim.  This stat is available in a few places, if they weren't captive they would be privvy to more information instead of shielded from some of the best products out there.

  4. Like any other network marketing company (MLM), they paint the picture of being the best product in the world, and although they will tell you it is hard and you have to keep at it, only a small percentage of people will make it.

    It may be a good product, and a good company, but MLM is hard work. You go through all your friends, then you have to begin trying to get perfect strangers. I think people bash these types of companies because the person who got them involved made it look easier than it really is.

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