
Why do people who snort cocaine have to line it up on a glass surface?

by  |  earlier

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And why do they need a razor blade?




  1. IT comes in a solid. They use it to cut it.Glass dose not sick.and if you see it beeing done keep away . A lot of people has lost more then their nose

  2. why do u wanna know

  3. they use the razor blade to shop it up smooth so they can snot it up, and i have no idea why it is glass. i don't think it has to be.

  4. well when i did it and used a mirror surface it was so i wouldn't lose any you can see every little crumb better, but one piece of advice, NEVER DO IT, because you think it's cool at first and your like what 's the big deal i'm not addicted, so you try it again and again and before you know it you're doing way to much and doing bad stuff to get it, so if you want to have a good life, stay away from it

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