
Why do people who speak a second language think they're the sh*t?

by  |  earlier

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cause everyone on these forums acts really arrogant. do you see all the thumbs down on answers? Or the people who list their source as like "been to japan. married to a japanese man. japanese certified." its like, get over yourself already.




  1. Its because people now think self-esteem is the most important thing in the world.  

  2. lol i know what yu mean. i sorta hate when im like oh i like some manga then their like "Oh ya i can speak japanese and read it its SOOO coool" i hate that showing off stuff...-_-

    i think its just to sound cool

    i mean i dont advertise to everyone what languages i know. Im not all in yur face about it.

    So i just say whatever to them

  3. Well, I'm not familiar with the questions about Japanese, because I don't speak it at all. But I am multilingual in other languages. And no, I'm not saying this to brag, it's just a fact. Some people are good at maths or electronics, other people happen to know different languages.

    When I answer a question about a French translation for example, I often put in the source that I'm a native speaker (or sometimes I mention: "real" translation). And there's a very simple reason for that. I see so many people answering with bad translations that obviously come from on line translators that suck (just to get their 2 points!)... that I feel obligated to mention that I gave a real French sentence. This is just so that the asker would know what the correct answer to his question is. When I see other correct answers, I also mention it. I say: "x*x has given a correct answer, but I would like to add ..."

    I hope that you understand a little bit better why people mention their "real" sources...

    Again, I don't know about the Japanese questions, but I guess that the thumbs down are because the answers are incorrect.

  4. Er..well that was such a generalization that I don't know where to begin (_ _")

    I think people who speak a second language are admirable because they can communicate with a whole other nation of people! :)


    I don't think I'm 'the sh*t'...

    And I guess some people put such a straight-forward 'source' to enforce that their answer is plausible??...I don't know..


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