
Why do people who walk, jog, or bike NEVER use the sidewalk?

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I have seen this WAY too many times these last few years. While I'm driving, I see people using the sides of the street, away from the middle, for walking, jogging, or biking. This happens to me whether I'm driving down a very public main street or even through a neighborhood street. I would understand it if there is no bike lane or sidewalk, however, most of the times there is a sidewalk and/or a bike lane. The sidewalks were made for reasons like these and I have never seen a crooked or lopsided one. Do they like being literally less than a few feet away from getting killed? Do they do this for the danger or what?




  1. Have you ever seen the c**p that is in the bike lane like broken glass.

  2. This is soo frustrating. Make your bloody mind up. Where do you want us cyclists to be!? Sidewalk or Road, either way we're always doing something that annoys you.

    Cycling on the sidewalk puts other people and yourself in danger, hence why the majority ride on the road, considering some of us go at an average of 20mph.

    edit - In response to yours I just have to say that you're d**n ignorant. I will never cycle on the sidewalk, that's why my bike is called a "ROAD bike". Not only is it illegal, I'll have to go much slower, I'll be putting myself and others at risk AND (oh yeah) I'm *allowed* to be on the goddam road.

  3. Cyclists are not supposed to sidewalk, first of all. Douche.

    Walkers and joggers however, that one I don't understand. If I I'm ever jogging I usually prefer the grassy area between the road and sidewalk.

  4. Biking on the sidewalk is technically illegal but isn't heavily enforced. And I know that road bikers just like to p**s people off and then try to say they have a right to the road too. Sometimes you just want to run them over and say it was an accident. Joggers im not so sure about. I think that they probably go onto the street so that they wont accidentally  bump into people on the sidewalk. But that doesnt make any sense either, because they are making a block for bikers. I hope this answers your question.  

  5. And you point is...

    A.  you have poor driving skills and need everyone to give you lots of space?

    B.  you don't know how to use the steering wheel?

    C.  you have statistics to prove that riding on the sidewalk is safer?

    D.  you have never made anyone wait on you or allow you more space?

    "The sidewalks were made for reasons like these..."  For bicycles?

    >> No, sidewalks are installed for the safe travel and convenience of pedestrians.

    >> Paved roads didn't exist before cyclists demanded them.

    Just share the road and realize not everyone is perfect.

  6. Because alot of people are freakin IDIOTS.......

  7. The bicycles are supposed to be on the road and riding with traffic as a vehicle.

  8. The joggers and walkers have no excuse.

    A cyclist has every right to the roadway as a car.  They must observe the same traffic laws as a car.  And overtaking autos MUST give them adequate room when passing.    If a bike lane is available, a cyclist should use it.

  9. for bikes in the US it is against the law to ride on the sidewalk, but with traffic either on the right side of the road or if that is unsafe due to drainage drains or debre then more in the middle, and when a car passes them they must give three feet of space to the bike, instead of near miss. most smaller towns also say if the rider is under twelve they are suppose to be on the sidewalk.

  10. supposedly ppl on the sidewalk slow them down .. u kno what i say .. when ur torn limb from limb 'cause u got dragged 25 feet by a car .. does it matter that people on the sidewalk slowed u down for 2 seconds??

  11. We are allowed to use the full lane if we want in Portland.  Cycling on the sidewalk is illegal and can result in a ticket.

  12. Bikes are vehicles and are supposed to be on the road.  Why don't you people in cars slow the h**l down?

    SHARE THE ROAD!!!!  

    NO BIKES ON SIDEWALKS (unless you're under 12 years old)

    Why does this confuse people???

  13. You need to educate yourself on the law.  Bicycles are considered motor vehicles and have every right to the roadway that you do.  Legally, you must treat them as such.  This also means on the flip-side that bicycles must also follow all traffic laws including stop signs, traffic lights, etc.

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