
Why do people who want to ban guns think criminals will listen to any anti-gun law created?

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I just don't understand why people insist on banning guns when the people committing the crimes obviously don't care about the law anyway. Isn't cocaine illegal? Yet people who want it can get it anywhere... Why would people think that guns would be any different?




  1. Because if they ban guns, the law abiding citizens will be dependent on the government for protection instead of protecting themselves.

    And if you depend on the government for protection, who is going to protect you from the government?

  2. It worked with drugs didnt it? Surely if guns are banned then all gun related crime would end.

    Gosh people are dumb.

    The people who make gun laws know absolutely nothing about guns. There are so many guns in the US right now, you could never get rid of them.

    Shooting guns is not just for thugs. It is a legitimate sport. Those liberals just dont get it....

  3. It isn't any different.  Criminals convicted of violent crimes aren't supposed to be able to buy weapons...but they still do.  If there is a ban on guns, then the only people who have them will be the criminals and law enforcement.  However, I do agree that the loophole in the law that allows guns shows and trade meets where guns can be purchased without background checks should be addressed.  Those just make it to easy for someone not allowed to have a gun to get their hands on one.

  4. Gun laws do no good unless they are properly enforced.  We don't need gun laws, we need gun laws with teeth.  There need to be harsh penalties for owning or carrying a gun illegally.  

    In many states, it is illegal to carry a gun without a permit.  But if someone does, what happens?  In many cases, nothing.  The police overlook it.  And if they get cited for it, they will reach a plea bargain that gets them out of it with a small fine and no mark on their record.

    Now you tell me why US gun laws have never worked.  They are basically on the honor system.  It is like making a law about border crossing but not having guards on the border.  And when Congress finally passes gun laws, they are so watered down that they are basically meaningless.

  5. It is to lull people into a false sense of security.  If there are bans then there will be less violence, right?  People aren't given all the facts when these bans come around.  Unfortunately the bans portray life being safer, when in reality most crimes are committed with guns obtained illegally.  

  6. One arguement is, it would reduce the number of guns in society, reducing the ability of a criminal to acquire one.

    Right now, you just need to head to the local gun store, club, or elementary school and you can own a gun in a matter of minutes. The thinking likely goes, if certain guns are illegal, then it'll cut people off from buying those guns at the gun store and club, which should reduce the supply to elementary schools, which should reduce the supply to criminals.

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