
Why do people with Autism have bigger than usual testicles?

by  |  earlier

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Does this mean that they will have a really strong s*x drive or need to "relieve" themselves sexually more often? A doctor told my cousin that his large testicles were one of the signs that he had autism




  1. your question is disgusting.

  2. Never heard such tosh in all my life !

  3. i think whoever told u that people with autism have larger testicles is confused.  he probally is thinking of Fragile X syndrome.  Fragile X syndrome is a genetic disorder that can cause autistic like symptoms.  Males with fragile X syndrome often have distinctive facial features, connective tissue problems, and enlarged testicles.   The fact that it was a doctor who got this confused makes me think that the doctor either hasnt had much experience with fragile x or autism, or is very ignorant.  But even good doctors make mistakes so i am not going to judge the guy on this.   I hope this answer helps you.

  4. Be careful what you say on the internet. I have autisum and I can absoultely tell you that this doctor is full of complete c**p.

  5. You cannot be serious with this question, who ever you have been talking to is coming out with complete trash. Get your facts right before you comment on autism. This is just  a malicious rumour and more fool you for believing it.

  6. You must be g*y.

  7. autistsic are aid to have low testostrone(lack of intrest in sports) so no...........................

    also i dont think autistic are so pervy

    but ure ques is sicking me...

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