
Why do people with no interst in the Mc Cann case look and answer the questions?

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I never look at questions that don`t interest me, why are you wasting time on an issue you don`t like?




  1. I dont.

    I am refusing to answer any more McQs.

  2. why are the parents not getting done for leaving the kids in the 1st place...............................

  3. I know that makes me laugh. Why would you, you dont have to. Its not like its a must!!!

  4. I have has an interest in this case almost from day 1  It has taught me one thing that I never realised before and that is how intolerant and spiteful some users here can be.Many of these people seem to care little about a small missing child all they seem to want is to crucify their parents.

    The police have wound down the case, released the McCanns as suspects, why ? simply there is no evidence against them to prove otherwise, that is except in your mind

  5. Because we want the grubby little bullies and self-touchers to go away and stop bothering us with their slimy fantasies about child abduction.

    Or is it me who is weird?...I think not.

    The McCanns are innocent...get over it.  If you cannot get over it....then try to stop thinking about it.

    get over it little boy.  Got enough tissues?

  6. Sorry - not interested.

  7. what actually happened to her? poor soul...

  8. how do you know a question doesn't interest you unless you've looked at it?

    just because someone disagrees with the poster's opinion doesn't mean they are not interested or dislike the topic. they are purely giving their opinion that you asked for!

    it's not a 'feel-good'forum' and questions asked just to back up your own feelings and personal opinion are in breach of community guidelines.

  9. Because they hope their derogatory remarks will intimidate and just like their hero's the Mc's they are arrogant and condescending to think that only their opinion counts.

  10. youre on YA

    so you cant be that averse to wasting time yourself

  11. Because I don't like the issue. They are liars.

    I thought this discussion was finally put to rest!

  12. because i feel for the mcCanns and your sad!

  13. You certainly seem to have a lot of interest,of that there is no doubt. I as well as many others on here will be hoping for compassion from people like yourself instead of constant details of what happened and who is to blame e.t.c. None of it helps. If you do not want us to answer your questions,then you shouldn't post them. Good evening.

  14. So they can sl*g anyone off who dares to  criticise the McCanns and their awful behaviour.

  15. Why do people like you post questions and then complain about the answers?If you don't want folk to disagree with you then better make a site of your own where you can rant about the McCanns till you're heart's content and no I don't believe you care about the McCanns children.IMHO I think you get a hit out of ranting and winding people up and use the case as a vehicle for ranting,nothing more.Just thought I'd share that with you.:)

    If anyone's bang out of order its you.Don't like the answers,don't ask.It's not rocket science.

    While you're there could you tell the public what it is you 'LIKE' (your words) about this missing child case?Strange choice of words methinks.Odd,to say the least.

    Midden:Since when did you make the rules about criteria for answering.Post a question, anyone can answer.Nowhere does it say you have to like, hate, not be too fussed or be utterly obsessed etc etc.

    Is that because you don't have an answer,LOL!

    This is a poor me whinge.

    If I did I'd have to reference you.Not allowed though is it?So looks like you have no excuse dear.(drums fingers)

  16. Because they can.Tough .

  17. It's an open forum for questions & answers, which means you'll get opinions too, wanted or not. (I shan't bother giving mine)

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