
Why do people work in slaughter houses?

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seriously, why would anyone want to say "i think for a career i'll work in the SLAUGHTER HOUSE" why do ppl even take that job? its sick.




  1. Gah, what really p*sses me off is when people who are not vegetarian or vegan, or do not support what we believe come in this section and answer as if they could care less about the rest of the world. It disgusts me when people only think of themselves. (Sorry, I had to say something because I see it too much in this section when others just come and ridicule).

    To answer your question - I agree with the others who have said that it's probably one of the only jobs that will hire certain people, but I feel horrible for anyone who has no other choice and would rather not work in a slaughter house because I know that if I had to I would probably kill myself.

    In the words of George Bernard Shaw: "My situation is a solemn one. Life is offered to me on condition of eating beefsteaks. But death is better than cannibalism. My will contains directions for my funeral, which will be followed not by mourning coaches, but by oxen, sheep, flocks of poultry, and a small traveling aquarium of live fish, all wearing white scarfs in honor of the man who perished rather than eat his fellow creatures."

  2. what kind of dumb *** are you of course no one grows up thinking i want to work in a slaughterhouse when i grow up just because your life was perfect enough that you didn't have anything better to worry about other than rebelling against mommy and daddy and being vegan things happen and families need food maybe your Richie rich *** could choose whatever they want to do but you've never been put into a position in which there's no place to work but the slaughter house and you have to feed your family so think before you speak you arrogant little ****

  3. Usually (but not always) these people have little formal education and have to do the "dirty work" that others would rather not. Most people probably WOULD be vegetarians if they saw what happened to the animal/meat slab sitting on their dining room table.

    That said, while some simply do it for the money (it pays decently for someone with little education or training), others see it as a job like any other and are not bothered by it. Some go home happily with discounted meat. Others turn vegetarian after working there.

    To each his own...

    I could never do it. To *me*, it is completely savage and barbaric. I couldn't sleep at night watching animals literally being murdered for food for people turning a blind eye....

  4. When you need to feed your family and are given a choice between working at a slaughterhouse or living in a cardboard box under the freeway onramp *with your kids* then you can say "why do people work there, it's sick." Some people have no other choice.

  5. To earn a living...why do people throw blood on fur coats?

    Oh by the way, I have no problem shooting compressed air into a cow's brain to kill a cow. Instant death and tasty meat!

  6. Many of the people who work in American Slaughterhouses are illegal immigrants who are paid less than minimum wage, given no benefits, and are intimidated (if they do something wrong at work, they are often given threats of deportation).  Often times, slaughterhouses are the only jobs that people can get.

    Slaughterhouse jobs have one of the highest turnover rates in America with the average person staying only about one year.

  7. Frequently, the people who work in slaughterhouses do so as part of the agreement with the mule who brought them across the border.  In exchange for working at one of the world's most dangerous jobs, they receive "housing," a certain amount of protection from deportation, and enough money to support their family in Central America.

    If you want to blame someone, blame the executives and shareholders at Tyson, Armour, Swift etc.

  8. I agree. Sick jobs attracts sick people. I bet there is at least one numpty on here who will answer "I fully respect animals but someone has to do it"


  9. when you can't feed your family because you have no'll take any job that is offered to you.

    oh, and of course some people just aren't bothered by it.

    i'm a vegetarian, so i couldn't imagine doing that for a living, but not everyone would agree with me.

  10. As others have pointed out, many of them are either illegal immigrants or relatively unskilled labor.  The non-whites are given the most unpleasant jobs.  Most of them don't have much of a choice.

    As for those who do have a choice, I don't get it either.

  11. It is a job that pays a wage.  I would rather have it than to work in a sewage plant.

  12. It's mostly illegals that work in those places.  There is a very high turn-over too.  They have to pay well to try to keep employees.  You don't get free meat...but you DO get free nightmares.

  13. They are forced to in order to feed themselves or put a roof over their heads.

    It's not something that anyone does for a hobby.

    Is this question serious?

    There are sick people that enjoy it but they are few and far between.

  14. they pay well

    and maybe you get free meat

  15. I STRONGLY recommend that you go out and rent the movie "Fast Food Nation"

    You'll find the answer to your questions.

  16. I am not capable of answering your question, as I have not been forced to make such a choice.

    All I can say is, not everyone is born with many options, like a person who resorts to work in slaughterhouse, but it's the choice they make that defines them.

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