
Why do people worship John McCain?

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Seriously, the man is narrow minded. All he will do is carry on George W. Bush's legacy (sarcasm). All John McCain cares about is doing what serves the interest of corporations and the wealthy. I remember Sarah Palin saying something about acting in the interest of big oil.





    another lame attempt at transposing democratic problems on the republicans, this one was really lame, i haven't heard even 1 person in the media, in person, anywhere, "worship" him.   have seen many softminded liberals treat obama the dahli lama with saint like status.

  2. I dont worship him. I do think he is better than Obama by a big long stretch so I will vote for him

  3. It depends on which TV station you're watching... because people don't worship him. Republicans are trying to put on a happy face and make the best of it.

  4. Who worships him? People just vote for him because they refuse to vote for Obama.

  5. Why do people worship Obama?

    This question is coming from a narrow-minded liberal. Hundreds of questions, similar to this, have been asked and answered. Why don't you read one of those instead of waisting people's time, and your lousy 5 points?

  6. he isn't worshiped he is respected.  Obama is the one who is worshiped, we don't faint, we don't cheer him for blowing his noes, the cult of Obama is  truly blinded as they will not accept any facts about his background, his associations with radical groups, his friendship with Ayers, his membership of twenty years with a radical church and Black Liberation Theology that it and it preacher teaches.

    McCain will not tax us to death for entitlements to those who don't earn money. he will deal with our enemies in a direct and clear manner that they cannot walk on us.  Obama is for weakening all our defenses.  this will make us more vulnerable to attacks.

    Pailin is you do research on her, has worked to clean up wrong doing in her state, even within her own party.  i have never heard her make a statement that she is for bil oil, she is for making more and using our resources to get us off dependence on foreign oil.  so am i.

    McCain/Palin 08

  7. The only people who 'worship' maccain the insane are those who believe that God 'told bush that it was all right for [him] to invade Iraq.'

  8. Probably the same reason the Libs worship their false Messiah.  

  9. who worships him? only person i see with a cult like following is obama. i don't worship mccain but i will vote for him because he is much better than obama

  10. Not all of us do, some of us don't even like him. If you can believe that! I know it's shocking.

  11. Republicans seem to replace God with whatever political candidate is running for an elected office at any given moment. St. McCain can do no wrong!! St. George W. of Bush couldn't either!! They are infallible! Amen!

  12. If you knew more about the Man, you might at least admire him, if not worship him. I don't worship him, but for many years he has been the only Republican that I could listen to without puking. He is a pioneer in election law reform, and has distanced himself from big business since he almost got caught-up in the Keating scandal many years ago.

    He is the first Repub. to take global warming and climate change seriously, and has been ahead of his party on most progressive issues of our times.

    Do some reading, or at least check out his book-signing videos on CSPAN Books,..they are a good example of how naturally he expresses his views, and how self-deprecating his sense of humor is. You might also check-out his anti-Bush comments from his 2000 campaign speeches in New Hampshire.

  13. Worship? Please. Obama's the one who's own supporters call the messiah.

  14. I don't worship him. I do admire him though.  

  15. I guess Bristol Palin worshiped him 5 months ago and BAM! here we are today.

  16. who knows!!!!!!!!!!!

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