
Why do pepole question My Belief?

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Alright I'm AtheistI don't question Christians but most of them aviod me (Not all) and act like I'm some kinda freak because I try to put logic into things and not reiligon so why do they act this way when I don't question them or treat them this way I mean there is nothing wrong with me believeing something else. I'm in high senior and I just want to know why they are this way.




  1. im not goingg to judge someone who isnt a christian, but i believe in God, and things have occurred to me that logic cant explain. why can people believe in evolution?? how did nothing livingg all of the sudden form somethingg small that was able to evolve into humans after billions of years?? somethingg cant come from nothingg. thats logic in myy opinion.  

  2. Christians question your belief because it is part of the great commission" Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey all  that I have commanded you and I will be with you always to the end of this age."

    You are  a lost sheep who they are trying to get home to the Shepherd. In christian eyes you are fair game. Do you actually believe anything? You say something else but isn't atheism the act of unbelief. I know you think its annoying and you want them to leave you alone but be glad someone actually cares for you and your soul enough to want to see you in heaven with God

  3. You don't understand them so how can you expect them to understand you? It's a difference in belief systems, that's all.

    We all have a measure of faith. We just invest it differently.

  4. Many people cling to religion because they are afraid.  Afraid of the unknown, afraid of death.  Christianity is heavily based on converting the "non-believers", to save their soul.  In truth, trying to convert comes from fear.  If you can get more people to agree with you that there is a God, and there is a heaven, then it makes it easier to believe it yourself.  If people don't believe it, then that helps feed the fear.

    Just my 2 cents.

  5. Probably because it's astonishing to think someone really can live in this world and not believe in God.

  6. It might be "astonishing" to some that it is very possible to live a healthy life without religion, but the fact is that it is.

    People who cannot handle that, are simple bigots.

    Theres nothing wrong with you about this. It can be hard, at your age, because you're in a minority position on this issue. That doesn't mean that the majority is right. They're not.  

  7. It's what they do best. And it makes them feel better about their self.


    It's kind of like when someone beats up other people just to reassure himself that he can beat people up.

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