
Why do pigs like to play in the mud?

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Why do pigs like to play in the mud?




  1. Fact is very few pigs are exposed to mud.  They get in to mud because it is there.  If it was not there they would not get in to it.

  2. they don't like to play in mud think as mud as sun screen

  3. Because they are filthy!

  4. To clean themselves.

  5. Along time ago the pig emperor of zoolandus had a fight with the pig dictator of houstonzooemporium both of their armys had been diminished to one. Jakamianalostuzoxo of zoolandus and Poorampitlaykaxat of houstonzooemporium

    were stuck in a duel to the death when Poorampitlaykaxat

    had learned that Jakamianalostuzoxo had had s*x with his pig mom! Poorampitlaykaxat died of disgust and terror.

    then with little strength left the other guy floped down in the mud, he started to feel himself coming back to his strength, so he started rolling around in it! he was healed in minutes!

  6. wanna hear a dirty joke?

    i pig rolled in the mud.


  7. its  not that pigs like dirt or mud....

    they usually find their kind of food in the dirty places, so while hunting for food, they often get dirty....

    a pig doesnt like getting dirty, its just a myth

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