
Why do planes fly at a certain altitude?

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Please include optimal altitude and Turbluence.




  1. The altitude that a plane flies at is extremely flexible.  As long as it complies with the rule that eastbound flights (0-179 magnetic course) fly at odd altitudes (odd + 500 if VFR) and westbound flights (180-359 magnetic course) fly at even (even + 500 for VFR) you can pretty much select anything you want that safely clears obstructions along your route.  Even on an IFR flight plan you can vary your altitude to avoid turbulence, icing conditions, strong winds, etc.

    As a general rule you want to fly as high as possible because the aircraft is more economical at higher altitudes (because the true airspeed is higher for any given power setting).

  2. Planes, based on their weight and engine power, have a maximum altitude. If the weather permits, the pilots like to stay near this altitude because then the engines don't need to work as hard to push the aircraft forward because the air is thinner. Also, they may want to avoid turbulence or storm clouds at a certain altitude by going to a different one.

  3. One word...FUEL You can go a lot faster where the air is thiner and use less fuel.

  4. well there are alot of reasons we fly higher or lower.  Lets start with weather,  fly right over the turbulance iceing or what not.  Ok now there is a matter of not colliding with other traffic. that would be bad.  next factor in fuel efficiency there are a few other factors as well. I hope that helps you out a little.

  5. Because if not they wouldnt be flying

  6. The main reason A/C fly at certain altitudes are the higher they fly the better fuel mileage they get, and in order to avoid other A/Cs.

  7. well its farther away from ground and people less drag because of lower air pressure and better fuel consumption

  8. It depends on the plane, and winds aloft.  Simply put, if the plane can fly at an altitude where winds are favorable, that is the preference.

    For instance, an airliner can fly say to 35,000 feet.  If the plane is traveling west, and the winds at 30,000 feet are in more of a westerly direction, the pilot may request that altitude. (As a note, winds affect the plane's ground speed, or how fast or slow the plane goes across the earth).  The reason is, that a tailwind increases ground speed, and a headwind decreases it.  And time and fuel is saved with a tailwind, and spent on a headwind.

    Hope that helps explain the question...

  9. Depending on the direction of travel, Usually, to take advantage of jet streams or avoid them and other weather problems like storms and to maintain a safe distance from other air traffic.

  10. The pilots are assigned an altitude and they must fly in it because there are different airplanes flying at different altitudes    

    its like traffic lanes in the sky but usually they fly around bad weather and turbulance

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