
Why do players bounce the ball before serving?

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Does this just past the time as they think about how they want to play their serve?




  1. so they can concentrate

  2. i think they do that to get their rhythem going right before they start playing the point

  3. Well, it's more for the form, you bounce the ball and toss it up and follow through with the serve.

    It flows better like that although I don't bounce the ball on every serve.

  4. I think it just lets them take time in between each point/ serve instead of rushing to the next one. At least thats why I do it.

  5. Nobody really knows. It's just habit. However, it does help gain some composure and take some time to prepare for the next point.

    But I'm sure if every pro on the tour didn't bounce the ball before serving, it wouldn't really make that much difference. I know that I just bounce the ball before serving out of habit, but on my second serve I usually just bounce the ball once before serving.

    I can serve without bouncing at all to be honest.

    It's just habit really. That's all.

  6. It proves to them that the ball is sound and is not defective.

  7. It's part of their routine.

  8. It's just a routine or habit. There are plenty of players that don't need to. They just walk up position themselves and blast an ace like I used to.

  9. well for some, like djokovic, they use the 10+ bounces to settle themselves in, calm down, refresh, and tire the opponent till he becomes impatient so that djoko can get the point... even though if its smart, this act is cheap... the true reason behind bouncing is to gain stability on your serve as the player has made it a habit of serving while bouncing first... so it gives the player some confidence in their serve... this is all my opinion btw...

  10. Helps get them in a rhythm and get there timing right

  11. It gives the players a easier way to return the ball back without hitting it out....they usually hit it without any bounces when they are at the net to volly it

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