
Why do poeple care so much about celebreties its not like they do anything for you?

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its just some girls i know (actually like all of them) r obssessd with the lifes of celebs




  1. I understand where you're coming from, totally. But being a western citizen implies being in a crowd alot of the time, being watched, observed and criticised.

    Be it at school, work, gym class, the supermarket, the mall, night clubs, bars, the movies, driving in your car......

    What celebrities do is offer a perfect model for social behavior, a perfect ideal.

    How many times have you heard : "you remind me of such and such"

    It's the glue for social interaction I think.

    It makes it easier for millions of people to get out of bed every morning and face the world......

  2. I would imagine it would be to do with projection. If someone has mass media coverage for any reason, then we can project our hatreds, our fears, or prejudices on this person without fear of feeling bad.

    Or to look at it in a positive way, we can all unite behind them, or bask in the reflected glory of their achievements, and feel good because we're part of something bigger than ourselves.

  3. Many people see celebrities as people who have been able to achieve success in the way that they wish that they could so the celebrities become their idols in hopes that if they act like the celebs, dress like them, talk like them, etc. that somehow someway by some miracle that they too will achieve celebrity status some day....

  4. My sociology professor addressed this question in our theory class. He said he doesn't understand why people cry and scream when they see celebrities because they "pee and s*** like the rest of us" hahaha.

  5. I think, to most of us, whether or not we admit it, we like the gossip that's associated with the celebs. Also they're very wealthy, and most of us aren't, so we like to see how the other folks live.

  6. it's just entertainment pal. i really don't care about them.

  7. Actually a lot of the time they do. I mean, they're all famous for something - You won't be able to name one celebrity that isn't famous for a reason, even if that reason isn't very good.

  8. It has something to do with jealousy or envy due to their success, they envy those at the 'top', and like all jealousy, they enjoy seeing the people who are more successful than them fall.  Hence why people are so obssessed when they fall or make a mistake; so they can attack them.

    I do not follow celebrities, but when I hear how one messes up due to drug abuse or something like that, I find it mockinly entertaining.  Though I respect those that do not fall and much rather hear about them.

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