
Why do poets see the overlooked?

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Are we given more insight

Do we see clearer at midnight

Are our eyes in our hearts

Do we value what others deem trash

Do we use prose as a backlash

Or are we just smart




  1. I am reminded of these scripture's when I think of God's Poet's.

    Exodus 36:1   "Now Bezalel and Oholiab, and every skillful person in whom the LORD has put skill and understanding to know how to perform all the work in the construction of the sanctuary, shall perform in accordance with all that the LORD has commanded."  

    Exodus 36:2   Then Moses called Bezalel and Oholiab and every skillful person in whom the LORD had put skill, everyone whose heart stirred him, to come to the work to perform it.  

    Note that Bezalel, Oholiab, and all that were skilled in this area were given the added means from God, to perform it exactly right.I praise God that He has blessed you my Brother with skill and understanding.You have been an encouragement and a blessing to all of us and we love you for that.Keep the Faith my brother.......................

  2. Our hearts are looking for beauty

    Others often miss

    Too busy looking at reality

    Don't even see a child's kiss.

  3. I love the line "Are our eyes in our hearts." I've often wondered why I am so much more sensitive to things than others. The littlest things such as the sparkle in a raindrop amaze and inspire me, where others might just think "d**n rain!" I do think poets are born with the gift of sensitivity - not just meaning emotionally sensitive, but all of the senses are more keen. We pick up on things and find beauty in things that most people would not, and the ability to care deeply and passionately about our surroundings and others. I know it hurts me to the core when I see others hurting, whether physically or emotionally, something inside me always wants to stop and help even if all I can offer is a hug.

  4. We do indeed have more insight,

    And yes, we see clearer at midnight.

    Our eyes are rooted in our heart, we see with compassion.

    We value much that the world disdains.

    And yes, we are just plain smart.

  5. I feel that poets like to paint beautiful pictures with their imagination and see what they look and feels like when on paper. Yes poets seem to have a heightened sense of sensitivity, and  maybe   smarter and yes definitely eyes are in the heart!   As for me sometimes I do see clearer at midnight and other times it is random!

    Beautiful poetry for so few words I love the part

    Are our eyes in our hearts

    That is beautiful, Cheers!!

    (sorry for any miss spellings, my spell check took an early lunch)

  6. I believe poets are more in-tune with their surroundings.We see the little things and not just the big picture.I believe our senses are more pronounced.We hear, smell, taste,see and feel deeper than others.

  7. I love this!

    I don't see very clearly at nidnight though, usually in bed by 9:30!

  8. Yes to all.  Our eyes are in our heart.

  9. And if your plate is full

    and your glass filled

    is this food and drink

    for sustenance


    tempting treats

    and wondrous liquid

    to taste...really taste?

    Nice, thought provoking poem.  Smart, no, given different lenses though!

  10. Why, we're smarter of course, more privileged to be able to care about our surroundings. It's not enough for a poet just to wake up and go about the day without comparing anything to everything. We want to make sense out of everything and the only way to understand something is to compare it next to something else. What may appear dark on a white background may really be light on a black background.

  11. I think maybe we've been through so many crucibles in our lives, we become super sensitive...that is, perhaps we use our senses to the fullest and our imaginations to their best advantage.  Or maybe we're like kids, we just like to play with our language!

  12. For me, it's not Midnight

    when I see clear,

    more like 3 AM when

    words appear;

    it isn't that poets

    are so smart

    but that we often think

    with the heart.

  13. Why...that's indeed a provocative query.  However, I'll say a resounding YES to all six lines.

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