
Why do police always pull over black males ,when they have a nice car?

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'Just because, a black male have a nice car does not mean he sell drugs".




  1. i was pulled over several times when i owned a piece of schitt. go figure. there was a study done about three yrs ago and as a matter of fact, most cars stolen in this country are by blacks. the conclusion was, there are no fine looking cars in the ghetto!

  2. riiighhht...yeh its because all white cops are racists...yeh right..get serious and get a life, learn proper grammer and stop sellin drugs! and by the way the average serial killer or rapist are white males between the age of 20 and 30, not just an average criminal..

  3. cuz they think ur a drug dealer

  4. Racial profiling lol...people who give the thumbs down are just in denial and don't want to admit that race is still a problem even though it is better than the past. I have a lot of white and black friends....most of the black friends have been pulled over a lot of times.

  5. Crime statistics are often hidden to the overall population so they won't become racists. Check them out. If the majority of crimes are made by black male with nice car then you have the reason why it is like that in your area. Just like if I am a peace and love warrior but walk in black community dressed like a fascist racist skinhead? It wouldn't matter at all who I am right? Most of my friends are policemen and they would NEVER pull over a black male because he drives a nice car! They need a reason to pull someone over and being black or having a nice car is NOT a good reason. I do not say this is right, I just explain the situation. And by the way, I do not have any tolerance for racism. Just wanted to let you know in case you would interpret this note wrongfully. Hope I helped. Take care.

  6. true dat

  7. they dont its bullcrap there are a few rasist cops but there are some rasist people the huge majority of cops arent rasist

  8. are you saying young white males don't get stopped?

    wake up, its not a conspiracy against blacks

  9. my husband was just talking about this with me this weekend.

    He said as a police officer it becomes difficult when questions like this come up.

    He is a white (okay well he's native american but everyone just thinks that's white) officer in a predominatly black area and he says it's hard sometimes because the statistics will say that a black male, in this certain area with this type of look will be doing this certain behaviour...and to be a good police officer you need to be aware of the common types of crime, being committed by common types of people in an area and be on the lookout for them.

    This is prb why you feel like, as a black male in a nice car, you are being truth becuase you are. They don't know  you (they can't!) but the action isn't racially motivated so much as it is statisticly motivated.

    As a white woman living in an inner city, I'm often targeted as being there to buy drugs (even though it's my neighborhood) is because I'm white and in this area, but it's not motivated becuase I'm white...if that makes any sense.

    Oh yeah: and no one will pull you over just for those two things, they HAVE to find something else to pull you over for. But they will def be looking harder to traffic/car infractions in order to pull you over, which is what I am assuming you meant with your question.

  10. Racial profiling is a big issue in most areas of the US. Im sorry if you have to deal with that right now. Statistics actually show that the average criminal is a white male between 20 and 30 years old. People have stereotyes on how they view others

    Obviously, its the white males voting my answer

  11. Nice grammar. I find it amusing that you want to be treated just like everyone else but choose to act and speak differently.

  12. LOL

  13. they think we sell drugs half the time because the car always look nice and its always on me i had a grand marquis on 18 inch rims nice classic look everybody liked it but now the cops were after me thinking i had drugs and they went all thru my car and everything and found parents worked hard to help get my car i always wanted so the trick was i had traded it in and got a ranger..ya know not 2 many blacks driving hey i gotta throw them off but the ranger looking nice..

    i jus wanna let every young black male know do not drive the crown vics and grand marquis their and known drug dealer car incae u dnt know  because you will be pulled over all the time..specially in florida if u do get one do not tint the wondows this way they have no reason to pull u over and then u can sue the heck out of them because you not even hifing nothing if u have no tinted windows..but see police are so crooked and notice half are white some whites are the meanest..u see how they did the indians jus kicked them off there own land..but to get the story done


    and people they pull over any black in a nice car..u whites jus dnt understand what blacks go thru..

    maybe the black cops should keep messin with you whites so yall will know how it feels..but u see black cops never really stop people unless they do something wrong..

    only reason cops are crooked is because most of dem are white..can;'t u understand..if u give me thumbs down then u agree u jus dnt wanna admitt it so thanks

  14. Because the car is stolen. easy 10

  15. thats not true, thats a retarded question

  16. They pull them over because they are speeding, they have their music turned up SO LOUD YOU CAN HEAR IT A BLOCK AWAY, they don't wear their seatbelts (hard to lay back with a belt on), and they disobey other traffic laws.

  17. I thought they pulled over all SPEEDERS in a nice car.

  18. no but it is a good indication,thereof.

    where I live, in Va. if a guy has a nice car, plays his tunes so loud that we can't hear anything else, then he is a drug dealer. he is most likey to be speeding, not wearing a seat belt, ran a red light or.....

    breaking some other law.

    what a novel idea! Getting lawbreakers, what a concept!

    It does not matter if they are black, white, Asian, mexican, mixed, or purple, if they break the law, they will get caught. Eventually.

  19. Maybe he was breaking the traffic laws? What a novel idea! pulling people over for running red lights. That sounds like a smart idea, huh?

    It doesn't matter whether you are black, white, Mexican, Asian, or whatever you are, young males in nice cars are pulled over and ticketed more than any other demographic of drivers. Insurance is the same way. The rates on  a young male driver with a "nice car" is the most expensive insurance premium to pay for. Black has nothing to do with it. This isn't the day of Rodney King--we're in the 21st century now. Rodney King and those similar incidents were before the LAPD went under new administration and Joe Bacca and all those guys took over.  

    Granted there are still going to be people with prejudice in the world, but there is such a thing as reverse discrimination. Don't stereotype all cops as racists. Who else are you gonna call when you need help? Your mom?

  20. For the most part blacks are born car jackers..

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