
Why do politicians try to relate to regular people and their struggles?

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They don't have to worry about high gas prices, childcare, losing their homes, etc.

They may have been regular "Joes" or "Janes" in their pasts, but they're not anymore.

This message is targeted at ALL politicians.




  1. So that the voters will know they know how we feel and understand our concerns.  

    Some politicians actually can relate to the average citizen better than others.  I would say Sarah Palin relates very well.  Just recently the media has proven she goes through many of the same issues the American public goes through everyday.

  2. To get elected. They don't really care about regular peoples struggles, as long as they got a job with benefits and lobbyists who will throw anything at them, who needs 'em!  

  3. That's who gets them elected.  This country is majority, regular people.  I think a lot of politicians forget that.

  4. That is a great question! I think they try to relate to regular people because its the regular people that get them elected. But honestly, most of them don't have a clue what it's like to struggle with debt.  

  5. Because the "regular people" have a vote in November.  

  6. they want to see how the people will react to them trying to get your vote by acting as if there in your position

  7. Obama/Biden are regular Joes. They both grew up poor and one out of wedlock and worked their way up to the great men you see before you.

    This White girl is voting Obama/Biden 08.

  8. Their means of life now are truly miles away from being considered "regular". They do not suffer the way the average suffer now for sure.

    However, I must say, once you go through tough times and live the walk, you never forget. I want someone that can say we do not want to see any single mothers, middle class, struggling teachers, etc. to go through the same thing. If you never knew this, then how can you ever appear to really be concerned.

    This is my reasoning behind why I do not like Palin. She seems to be pushing herself into this roll. She has no idea what we as the average Americans go through. I failed to hear her say she came from the bottom, but I heard her say she is a hockey mom. If you can't relate don't force it down American's throat. You make yourself look stupid and manipulative.

  9. I really don't know. I would like to ask them that myself.


  10. They are regular people.

    Even Ed McMahon almost lost his house (who woulda thought he was broke?)- you don't really know their financial status or what they go through on a daily basis.

  11. The word is TRY . An only during elections . Other wise they do as they choose . An that always spells doom for the people .

  12. It's to show that they are Human and are there for the average citizen and not some superstar being bought by elitists or corporations. Its American politics.

  13. To get votes, why else?

  14. Amen.

    The only politician on the ticket that feels our pain is Palin. None of the others have any clue as they have distanced themselves from the middle/ lower class for many years.

  15. So far the only politician that is remotely close to knowing our struggles is Gov. Palin.  Sure she has only held executive offices for approx. 6 years, this is six years more executive experience than all the candidates have held including John McCain.  The years prior to holding these executives offices, she was a normal mom, with our very same struggles.  Her parents worked at the local school, and we know that teachers and staff make very little money for what they actually do, so this woman knows struggles better than, McCain, Biden or Obama.

    This is what I believe they should do with politicians and their money.  I feel that they should take what the average (their monthly yearly income) American makes in their state.  and they should be made to live off that for a year.  Paying their own bills, doing their own shopping, filling their own gas tanks, etc.  Every candidate I do feel are out of touch with most americans, except for Gov. Palin, because she has only been in politics for a short period of time, and has never really had a great deal of money like these other politicians.  I know that the politicians will never do this, but it would be great to watch them struggle as the rest of us do.  I like the McCain/Palin ticket, because they are going to try to keep more money in our pockets, versus the Obama/Biden ticket raising our taxes....sure they say on the richest, but they are in that catageory of the richest, and you can believe they are not going to raise their own taxes like they say.....It has always come down to the struggling middle class to pay all the bills and that will remain.

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