
Why do politicians want DANGEROUS nuclear power and EXPENSIVE electric cars

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when, with just some increased investment in renewables esp. solar, we could have as much free, clean SAFE energy as we need,

plus transport far surpassing the costly, heavy, dirty contraptions

we have today...

Have they decided upon nuclear power and electric cars to ensure they still stay grossly profiting from us, so we are forced to carry on consuming?

Surely, a big con.

We don't get fooled again?

Huh. We are being dragged into the next planned phase...

Stop that from happening!

FREE info. re: the SAFE, clean, AFFORDABLE, wonderful fuure

we could have:

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  1. ok i argree that we need another source of energy but i dont agree that nuclear is dangerous..the only danger is where to store it after we use it(i say throw it in space, but thats just me)...but nuclear power is clean energy and you have to remember that we have to do everything including finding new oil so at least we can use it and not get it from the middle east, but wind energy is looking way up these days espically with T.Boone Picken being a leader and investing 10 billion in wind as for cars we also need a variety electic, hydrogen, natural gas. I think if we get a good plan and as tax payers support it, then we will be fine...

  2. Dangerous nuclear power?

    Nuclear power is statistically safer than wind power which is one of the things you probably like (but then again, you only seem to like useless power sources).

    The reason that they are wanting safe nuclear power is because nuclear power is the only clean power source that can actually supply all the electricity needs of a country (look at how badly wind has failed in Denmark and how many coal power plants Germany is building because wind and solar aren't good enough to run a power grid).  They were very much forced into nuclear because it's the only thing that can do the job required, if solar and wind had even a faint hope of being able to take over from fossil fuels and the old nuclear power plants that are going to be decommissioned soon then that's what they'd be doing.

    Now if you want to switch over to solar and wind you'll need massive technological improvements in energy storage technology to be able to deal with the unreliability.  Currently they deal with the unreliability of those two power sources by having natural gas fired generators back them up which means that they are partly fossil fuel and thus not in any way environmentally friendly.  Nuclear fission OTOH doesn't need any technological improvements to be viable, France got to about 80% nuclear using last generation reactors and emit practically no CO2 when generating their electricity.

  3. Right you are!

  4. 1# Renewable doesnt fit demands, can be expensive having to have for example many windfarms.

    2# Currently gas/oil prices are rising, and becoming less availible and killing our planet.

    #3 Yes nuclears dangerous, but in the right hands, its clean and meets our demands, I see it as the way forward but THATS MY OPINION.

  5. poor poor misinformed people.  nuclear power is clean and efficiant.  i live in citrus county fl. only a few miles from the nuclear power plant that supplies all of central fl.  there is no run off or emissions from nuclear power you don't see the waste from the uranium pelluts in the rods until 10 yrs after they begin using each one.  it is inexpesive to run and operate and you could crash a bouying 747 into our power plant and the d**n thing is so solid it wouldn't even leave a dent.  i feel more safe living here then if i were to move to NY city.  the only thing that could happen is it could melt down if the technictions were so stupid as to let the reaction get out of control (and their not they are all phd's in an engineering field) and even if that were to happen all it would do was make the plant unuable for the next couple thousands of years.  it better that what coals plants are doing to our atmosphere.  solar energy is unreliable for perminant use because of bad weather and earths rotation cycle.  2 huge uncontrolable viariables.  and electric cars are the best option we have right now to the car issue because everything else cost way to much to manufacture.  at least you are burning less gas.  much as i love the environment i love the economy too.  and unforunatly they both go hand in hand.  we save one and sacrifice the other that just wouldn't work.    

  6. I heard a Politician say this morning, that he wanted to decrease dependence on electricity, and at the same time mandate electric plugins hybrids.

    That just goes to show you how much thinking that true politicians do.

  7. Because it supports large industries and corporations. They are still trying to hold onto the political power that allows them to run the country the way they want it to be runned.

  8. to keep people thinking

    oil is better than other options

  9. The thing that worries me with nuclear power is human error.

  10. nukes are safe, so down one for you. Electric cars can be cheaper, but you will sacrifice safety, down 2, linking to spam down 3.

    get a life and get educated.

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