
Why do poor Blacks often live in the inner city, whereas poor whites tend to live in trailors in rural areas?

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Why do poor Blacks often live in the inner city, whereas poor whites tend to live in trailors in rural areas?




  1. your mean and racist

    fyi i am not poor and live in a house

  2. First of all are you blond?? What kind of question is that people live where they grew up close to mostly and poor blacks also live in trailor parks and there are white people that live in inner citys DuH

  3. Maybe it's because poor whites may live in trailers, but they OWN them;  poor blacks in tenement housing may just be renting.

  4. everything in the city can be cheaper and more opportunties for jobs whereas in the subs, things are more expensive and people can afford to commut everyday to work.  

  5. Whites like to breathe the fresh air

  6. We're white and we're not dirt poor like below the poverty level but we're pretty down below middle class average people and we live closer to the city.  And I like the answer about whites liking the fresh air because that would totally be my father.  And it's true that theres not as many poor white people but the majority that are are hillbillies

  7. I really like the slanderous comments people give you because of this simple question. The world is overly sensitive to angering some racial group or another. Yes, blacks live in rural areas and white live in the "ghetto" inner city, but this is a majority demographic question. All of you ignorant "your a racist" commenters need to look deeper than the color of skin. It is a fact of stagnancy in the lower classes, not a collective degradation of any race. For the question itself, i would relate this "poor white trailer trash" demographic to the backwoods mentality of the lack of authoritarianism present since the original wilderness was settled by the Scot-Irish during the pre-revolution era. This is a common ideal in backwoods SE United States, where anyone after "my gun, my money, or my booze", ought to be shot. It is a matter of repetitive ancestral traits bred into progressive generations and furthered by economic depression. As for Blacks (yes, Blacks, not African- Americans), I cannot give you a clearly concluded rational to the attraction to the inner cities other than the mass influx in post-civil war Southern cities in search of jobs. Both of these hypotheses are my own opinions based on some fact, and are not fact, but in either situation, everyone needs to get over the race card game.

  8. I think that you are reflecting the sad truth about our TV-addicted culture. The situations that you are referring to are cliche' - not absolute reality. There are many more people of all colors that live in what you might call RURAL areas because they do not come from big cities. The people in these areas out number the people in what you are referring to as "inner cities"

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