
Why do powerlifters look fat/shapeless whilst bodybuilders look symetrical/sculpted?

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Why do powerlifters look fat/shapeless whilst bodybuilders look symetrical/sculpted?




  1. Body builders are concerned with appearance.

    Power lifters are concerned with function.

    Becoming "sculpted" erodes muscle to a certain extent.

  2. Because one lot can do it, whereas the other lot only look like they can.

  3. the answer's in the name.

    One discipline is concerned with building the body to look a certain way.

    the other is concerned with lifting the heaviest weight.

    Bodybuilders out of competition don't look like they do on stage. They have to starve and dehydrate themselves massively to get that look. Not to mention spraying themselves with Ronseal fence paint. ;-)

  4. Power lifters need to be big, they don't care about being pretty.  Body weight is directly connected to lifting power, so shape holds no purpose for professional weight lifters. Different goals are subject to different routines.  Power lifters just eat and lift, body builders switch phases between bulking up and trimming fat.  

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