
Why do ppl always want to watch PPVs online for free?

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it only like $400-$500 a year if to watch them all and its in better quality, why not just buy it?




  1. Honestly,I can't afford to pay 50$ for a ppv.Plus,the last two ppvs I 've seen havent' been worth it and I'm glad I didn't pay for them.They werent worth it.why waste your hard earned money on a piece of s***?

  2. so you can save money cause pay per view cost around 30-60 dollars depending on the venue and event  

  3. it is free online but i just pay for it i prefer watching ppvs on tv but in uk we get half the ppvs free

  4. Some people don't have the money for it, like the kids who don't work and are wondering who would win, out of curiousity, and they would do anything to get what they want, even breaking the law to watch it... Some adults don't have money either.. and sometimes it's a shame paying if all the matches you were looking forward to goes downhill and everything goes wrong. So, to some it's a hassle, to others, they couldn't care less because they make good money and can afford PPVS.

  5. Ive wondered that too. Some cannot afford it and i can understand that. Others though, they can just invite some friends over and pay like $5-10 each. Its alot better quality on the TV and you cant always trust those websites.

    But i heard in the US its pretty expensive. It the UK its £15 here for every PPV which is about $30. And we get about 6 Free on sky sports each year anyway.

    Maybe people feel ripped off or dont wanna pay or something? Also, some people just cannot afford it. Which is a fair excuse. But when you can afford it and dont pay - well that is pathetic.

    I dont mind paying for PPV's. The money is normally worth it and i dont see why people just buy it.

  6. no one wants to pay 40 bucks for that when u can watch it for free

  7. because that's 200 dollars too much. I watch them in bars. I ain't paying 40 plus bucks for a PPV when it probably has only 2 good matches and the rest of it is c**p. The only PPV I would spend 40+ dollars for is WrestleMania.

  8. WELL, I live in Malta I bet you dont know where that is right? I'll help you its a microscopic dot in the Mediterranean sea just under Italy. You think we get PPV's there or even wrestling at all??

    I'm actually a huge wrestling fan and I manage to watch RAW, SD, ECW,  TNA and even all their PPV's  on a weekly basis with just a 1 day delay on Dailymotion and sometimes Youtube and believe it or not its pretty good quality (unless you go on websites like where they totally SUCK)and I never pay a cent, and if you want to be a real wrestling fan you NEED to watch the PPV's.

    I also couldnt afford to pay for them I dont work and am the only wrestling fan in my family and friends.

    So, is it really illegal?

  9. Who wants to spend $400-$500 a year to watch them instead of just watching them online for FREE! I know what you are talking about with the quality and all but hey its for free and the quality isn't that bad for a stream.

  10. cause u save money and it's pretty good quality  

  11. I always wondered that to, because me personally do not want to sit on my computer chair for about 4 hours. It's poor quality on the computer and poor sound why not just watch it on t.v.

    You have more comfortable seating, better quality, and the screen will probably be bigger.

    But it's really not that expensive if you and your friends all chip in for it.And these people advertising ppv.'s on the computer it's really getting old, were not going to some website to sit for about 4 hours and watch ppv.'s in poor quality when we can just order them on tv. But i agree completly  

  12. The best place is to get it through WWE themselves, now that WWE gives them for free if you sign up for their stupid search engine. It doesn't say it on the front page but it gives you the link after you sign up and you spend your first WWE point.

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