
Why do ppl come on here and rave on about kimbo?

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theres so many ppl on here that rave on about how good kimbo slice is,but the truth is he couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper many of you have actually watched his fights and taken notice of whats really happening?maybe bas rutten might be able to change things and teach him something but if he doesn't it wont be long before someone who can actually fight comes along and kicks his asss.




  1. I could not agree with you more BUSHIDO!! I have never been impressed with any fights I have seen of his which is many of them.  Maybe people just think his name is cool or something silly like that LOL.  I definitely do not praise him, not yet, he has much to still prove!!

  2. Never discount people's ignorance. It has really turned into, as stated before, a cult of personality thing. People who have no idea about technique and style see his fights on you tube and see him win, so that must mean he is a great fighter, when in actuality all he has been up to this point is a brawler.

    If I were that big and strong it would probably be easy for me to win fights against smaller people just on brute strength. Personely I am impressed with is strength, but that is about it.

    These same people will not realize that skill is far more impressive to watch then brawn for the most part at least if you have a clue.

  3. Well

    He really doesnt have any type of fighting style, he is just a big muscle guy who uses his muscle for strength and armor.

    its funny to see his fights he just lets them hit him and it doesnt even faze him, but if it does even a little bit of damage he back's up and decks them.

    Sort of a un orthadox way of fighting, somthing like a caveman, but he gets it done in his fight.

    But hey,  I wouldnt be suprised if one of those David and Goliath things happen to him like you said Bushido, someone who is underestimated comes in and defeats him you know?

    But hey he is good at his style (whatever he call's it) , gotta give him credit for destroying his opponents the way he does.

    whatever work's right?

    but lets see what happens in time for him

    Maybe someone like you said will arise and take his spot from him.

    But then again maybe not, who knows.

    Its like that saying I heard one time.

    "If you fight long enough, you'll soon taste defeat"

  4. every experienced Martial Artist .. of any style can see that his technique is sloppy, and there are way too many holes in his defence.. is he a good fighter... yeah he is ok.. i dont think i would call him out at a bar, but is he world class.. of course not... but some good can come from it... he brings new fans to watch MMA, and hopefully some of them will stick around after he is beaten by a top tier fighter.... 95% of people that watch fights, dont really understand what is happening, and thats ok.. they are fans... like any other sport, they want their favorite, fighter/player/team to win... but asking if he could beat fedor, is like asking if your favorite college basketall team could beat the celtics... the answer is no, and it will always be no...

  5. Great question Bushido !  I am curious as to why Kimbo has such massive following from this forum.  I have seen two of his fights and I am not impressed.

    Thanks for bring this up !

  6. Its just a "kimbo fad" same as the Brock lesnar fad, it will die soon enough once he fights a real fighter.

  7. The funniest part is he doesn't study any martial art...yet, leave that to Bas... That's the sad part of MMA... He's a streetfighter who has moved to the MMA world through beating up people on the internet, still getting praised for it.

    WTF has this world come to where we praise people for fighting in the street for s***s-and-giggles? Not to mention the fact that he still hasn't come across anybody good yet. It's just a disheartening fact about our current society.

  8. Well i wouldn't put it in your words exactly lol. I think hes an okish fighter but he cant beat anyone good. Bottom line, Kimbo isnt good but he also doesnt suck.

  9. "He can't fight his way out of a paper bag..."

    Have you sparred with him? If not, how can you say that? So far, he's torn through all of the cans that he's fought -- without coming across anything resembling a challenge.

    Until somebody exposes him, you can't say that he's bad. Until he beats somebody worthwhile, you can't say that he's good.

    But as for the actual question... The only people who rave about Kimbo are really new MMA fans or people who were fans of his youtube streetboxing.


    Everyone talks down on his technique, which is understandable, but until he gets his butt handed to him, the point is moot. Two fan favorites -- Chuck Liddell and Wanderlei Silva -- have horrible striking technical by conventional standards. However, they are very effective nonetheless.

    If you hadn't seen their vicious KO wins, you'd assume Chuck's looping punches to be clumsy and weak. You'd assume that Wanderlei would be fodder against a decent boxer. And yet, these two have enjoyed great success.

    My point is, in MMA, you can get away with less-than-stellar technical striking if you just hit really hard. Yet, if you still win your fights, how can somebody say that you're not a successful fighter?

    Kimbo, at this point in time, is unproven. Little more can be said, without delving into personal bias/opinion.

  10. It's just the cult of personality.  He has fought nobody,  but never the less he is an entertaining figure with a good beard who fights people  in back yards of homes with his bare knuckles for the fun of it,  that in itself is an intriguing concept.  Can He stand toe to toe with a real prizefighter?  I doubt it, but I will watch to find out.

  11. kimbo slice sucks he made money from fighting people that dont know how to fight he will get his *** whooped if he fought a real fighter

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