
Why do ppl get out of their cars, walk up/down the side of the road, talk on the cell phone after a breakdown?

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Seriously, I have seen entire families get out of the car and sit on the side of the road while waiting to get assistance and in some cases the kids start playing like it's recess. Shouldn't everyone just stay in their cars instead of walking around? Surely it's easier, and quieter, AND SAFER to make the call from inside the car...




  1. They're pacing because they're frustrated.

    It's never happened to you, has it?

    Also, unless they're walking around in traffic and/or not paying attention, no, it probably isn't safer in the car.

  2. First, I told myself,"self don't touch this one ", then I couldn't resist. It would be stupid to get out and make the calls before the breakdown!

    I don't know the real answer, but I think staying in the car would be safer - especially for the kids.

  3. Yeah, you've never just sat inside a turned-off car, have you?   Even in mild conditions it gets stuffy fast.  On a hot day, it gets hot enough to shrink shrink-wrap.  That's what kills pets left in cars.

    And yes, drivers are stupid and will plow right into a parked car.  Get out, and get uptraffic of it, so in case the car is hit, debris isn't thrown at you.  

    Some people just got killed when their car got stuck on the RR tracks... oh, they got out, as they should have...but they walked away from the train rather than toward it.  Their car went flying of course, and they got hit by their own car :(

  4. Your right it is easier and quieter but not safer.  If that car were to get hit by another car at a high enough rate of speed or by a car or a truck that's big enough it could injure if not kill everyone in that car.  So I would say its safer to be on the outside of the car.  And if they're its because there pissed that the car broke down and trying to deal with it and figure out a plan to get them to where they need to go. Also if its 100 degrees outside and they broke down sitting in the car wouldn't be a wise decision since in a matter of minutes everyones going to be sweating, getting heat exhaustion from the excessive heat.

  5. Maybe they're just using this time to take a break and stretch their legs.

  6. its safe to leave the car if you can

    besidess what would happen if someone plows into the stalled

    car and people are in it?

  7. There is a greater element of danger by remaining in a car on the side of the road due to someone rubber-necking that

    will actually run into the car or sideswipe it like you see so many times on Cops or shows like that... the pacing relieves

    frustration...and it is best to remain away from a broke down vehicle as long as the weather permits...

  8. I've seen the same thing. One family actually had lawn chairs out sitting on the side of the road like it was time for a picnic or something. Doesn't make sense to me.

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