
Why do ppl like Kobe so much?

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I know he is a good player but lebron is better. I think Kobe is the 2nd best player in the nba. Lebron has more points pers game, more rpg and more assists. Lebron also has higher pts per game in their whole career




  1. Well, people that do not live in America love Kobe because he amazes them. They usually become fans of the best player. They are unbiased because they have no home team in the NBA and,  as I said, become fans of teams that entertain them and are the best. Kinda like bandwagoners. You go to Asia, Oceania, or whatever, you ask who is the best and they will say Kobe.

    People, where I used to live, say LeBron is overrated ball hogger with no fundamentals and Wade is better.

  2. not trying to point out the obvious but Lebron has NO supporting cast or in my opinion anybody on his team half as good as him so hes taking alot of shots did u see the boston series when he was shooting like 5 for 22 or something thats just horrid

  3. I agree totally and completely!! Lebron is better than Kobe and younger...........Kobe is still great and amazing though

  4. LA has a large fan base, even if you took out the bandwagoners. And if you were an new fan, wouldn't you root for the best player/team if your team sucked or if you didn't have a team at all?

    Sure, Lebron is good and he has better stats, but the one thing people like Kobe for over Lebron is that Kobe is a polished player with experience. Lebron is getting there, but he still has a significant amount of just raw talent. Trust me, Lebron will be in Kobe's place once he is able to  harness it.

  5. 'Cause he's hot... lol

  6. what??? hold up what???

    (last year)

    Ok to all of you ignorant Kobe haters, He has averaged 5.0+ assists per game in his NBA career and on top of that he is a d**n shooting gaurd. Now for you idiots that say he does not pass the ball just go to NBA.COM pull his name up and see his career averages. On top of that he does not have anyone on his team that actually makes shots when he does pass it to them. Kwame Brown cant even catch the d**n ball when he is being passed to. You Kobe Haters have to watch some other sport, like maybe swimming, because if you dont like Kobe, then you dont like basketball. Kobe is the ambassador of the NBA and you can put that in your crack pipe and smoke it all up you dumb haters.

    Oh and sweety I do love the Lakers and I do love Kobe Bryant. Dont ever let any of these fools get to

    now think about how good he is now>? and with ANDREW BYNUM

    dont get me wrong LeBron is great but hes second on my list, cuz KOBE is a leagend

  7. Because he's black.

  8. Its not all bout stats....LeBron doesent play defense like Kobe and neither does he have a long range shot. And 2 me i think people hate Kobe...i c alot of Kobe haters on yahoo

  9. Who's better, Kobe or YOU?

  10. stats arent the whole story cuzzin.

    read the articles 98% of nba scouts say the difference between kobe and lebron is like a mazzaratti and a volvo.

    (they said kobes the mazzaratti)

  11. Im a Lakers fan and I think more people hate him then like him.  Everyones lord and savior is Jordan and Bryant is probably ahead of him at this point in his career in many things including rings.  I dont think Jordan had 3 rings before age 30.  Before anyone says "yea cause he shoots more", your wrong.  Jordan avg'd 2 more shots per game then Bryant has taken so far in his career.  But to answer your question, I think its just because of the commercials he is in, plus he plays for a marque team in a huge city.  

  12. One Fool Makes Many

  13. Stupid is as stupid does.

  14. BECAUSE... KOBE IS KOBE..  he has better all around stats than lebron... and LEBRON DOSENT HAVE DEFENCE!! serriously.. and i hate lebron.. all he does is fake one way and goes the other.. and he does the same exact dunk... annnnnnnnnnnd he has no 3pt shot..

    This is my top 3



    Pierce( my fav player since i could handle a ball grrrrrrr 5)

    PIERCE is better than lebron because pierce has defence and offence

    and the reason lebron scores alot he has no1 else to average points with im so he has to do it himself!

  15. I'm guessing you're familiar with the concepts of advertising and MARKETING...the NBA with David Stern at the helm is PRIMARILY interested in perpetually having a LARRY/MAGIC, MIKE, SHAQ totemic archetype in place, so that the league doesn't slip into the societal irrelevance it had in the mid 70's (it was slightly LESS popular than the NHL back then believe-it-or-not)...

    Kowannabe is just THIS YEARS MODEL (there will soon be a new Ko on the horizon, the NBA will MAKE this happen, just watch)...

  16. I personally like kobe better than lebron james, and in some ways I think he's better than MJ. He has incredible dribbling skills, and awareness and is a great overral player. I think people hate on him because he was a ball hog and can still be sometimes. But I still think he's great, Lebron is okay, but just not as explosive you know, just my opinion.

  17. kobe is a winner, lebron is not as of yet. ppl love the winner

  18. I hate Kobe. But he is really good.  He could easily have more points per game than Lebron.  The only reason people like him is because they are either from LA, know basketball really well, or are ban wagoners.

  19. one word... BANDWAGON

  20. Ppl have their pick...u cant knock them for that MAYBE u think "Lebrick" is better but the majority thinks Kobe is better....INCLUDING ME!!!! KOBE RULES!!!!

  21. Of course...Lebron should have higher stats than Kobe.  He has 0 supporting cast for the last 6 years, his team is a bunch of JV high school d-league talent.  he is the only one doing all the scoring, passing, and pg duties.   He better be leading the league in everything.  It Lebron against the other five.

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