
Why do ppl play mind games and do they know?

by Guest65775  |  earlier

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they playing mind game, or life is just a mind game period. I heard I play mind games, but I wouldn't there isn't a need too. my family played mind games with me in the worst ways, why would I want to do that to other ppl and what do people gain from mind game.




  1. lol, i hardly play mind games cos it's 2000 oredi, also, no money to earn so what is the use of playing mind games? if pple plays mind game, usually these are paid to do so. imao. cannot tell u excellent tactics than mind game because it may be abused same goes as why some technologies are top secret. e.g. stealth, warp engine, commander data. lol.

  2. Its a power play and a way of feeling superior to others used by people who don't have their heads screwed on right.  People who play mind games are usually seriously in denial about their actions and motivation.  Its great that you  recognize what has been happening to you and have such insight about the negative nature of these tactics.  You can make our world a little bit better by deciding not to follow the precedent you family has set. And being straight with people will help you to find better relationships in the future. Take the high road; try to be patient with others and provide a good example in your own behaviour.

  3. Life is a mind game. Religion exacts stringent and moral codes of behaviour, the state expects you to conform whilst itself indulging in each act of barbarism and invasive trespass and oppression, media aggrandises vileness and depravity whilst making spectacles and side shows of one’s fallen into ignominy gone before. The confusion caused by the three conflicting powers presiding over the people has caused mass mental disturbance, a rise in mental illness and all time high stress levels.

    The vulnerable are berated for promiscuity, derided for retaining or valuing their honour or virtue, and scandalised if caught in the act. Mankind governed by a contradictory, diametrically opposed conflicting powers cannot be anything other than entirely confused.

    All have power, rights and a voice yet none feel heard.

  4. People view life in different ways, to them it may be totally normal but to you it might be a mind game.  Everyone plays them, now if they know or not is only how you perceive it.  Do you consider something a mind game if its unfair to you?  Its all in how you look at it?  Mind games are considered reverse psychology.

  5. People that play mind games know what they are doing.  I exposed my mother's mind games and to this day I have trust issues. Trust your gut instinct because being honest with yourself is the road to trust.  

  6. ...for control over the individuals being played on...good luck...

  7. I think this is very common. We become a lot like the people who shaped us without being aware of it. Even worse, we may actually believe that we are trying NOT to be like those people but do things exactly the same. If you really want to change something about yourself, you have to identify it first and then "learn" what situations provoke you to act that way. This takes time and self-examination which can be scary for some people. Games are a part of life, and you should learn them to protect yourself but not to manipulate others.

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