
Why do preps bully the social outcasts?

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Why do preps like to talk S#@$ about people who are not cool? I hate it that some people like to point out some one who does not follow the social mainstream! I hate it when they do that! I have seen in all the schools I have went to, that you have to dress like the best, or suffer pain like the rest!

So this question goes to all the preps, and only the preps. Why do you have to put others down for not following the social norm? I have been picked on just for being normal, and my self, so please explain why you guys are like that and why you think others do it if you dont.




  1. It makes them feel more powerful over others. It's all power. All status. Picking on you makes them move up the social ladder, and gives them confidence that they can bring other people down.

  2. your dumb and self pitying >_>;

  3. many of my friends do this bullying thing, and i get really annoyed by it. these people who bully are really good people inside. from people's answers i conclude that hose who bully others are in sticky situations at home and have lead to this problem. they have never seen any better form their parents, so they thing it is okay.

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