
Why do prices go up all the time?

by Guest56078  |  earlier

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Why do prices go up all the time?




  1. Meg was right own.  Whoever gave her thumbs down is off.

    The primary cause of inflaiton is printing too much money.  Though, I can think of two other events that would, in fact, cause inflation.  One is when the fed lowers interest rates.  Lower interest rates means more investment which cause economic growth but is also means there is more borrowing and thus more money chasing the same amount of goods.  Another event is whether or not the FED changes the reserve requirement.  If they raise the reserve requirement, the banks have to hold more reserves and this, in turn, will lower the inflation rate.

  2. Price of commodity go up because of the increase in demand of the particular commodity.Demand is due to over consumption and increase in global population.Moreover prices are also influenced by inflation and also global and national economic condition.

  3. Its called inflation and many factors effect it. But it is not true how prices always go up. Look how the price of laptops has come down over the years likewise flatscreen TVs as the market for these items has increased.

  4. Because we're too stupid to pay for them in the first place and these companies put em up to see how much proffit they can make.

    Don't buy them and I'm sure they'll slash their prices

  5. Because no one lowers wages and population increases drive up prices for resources. This leads to an upward spiral in wages and cost of living.

    If you're talking about prices during the Bush Administration, it's all due to the war economy. Prices nearly always go up during war. And when a nation borrows money to prosecute war, this devalues their currency.

    As the dollar declines in value, products from abroad become more expensive, and much US production went abroad in the last 30 years.

  6. Some prices go down, e.g. Ipods, mobile phones and other high-tech gadgets.

    Even the price of petrol has fallen recently.

    So your premise is wrong.

  7. Because everyone earns more and demands more.  I'll give you example.

    In Scotland, there has been teachers strike few days ago for pay rise.  What they do not understand that if the pay rise takes place, there will be more demand for goods, more transport cost and tax.  Therefore, the price of the good will rise up.  If the demand is low, the prices of the goods will be low.  It also links to population.  Increases in population means increase in price for all products.  Because everyone is demanding goods.

  8. It depends on the product. Recently for most products prices are going up because gas is becoming more expensive. The cost of transporting the goods becomes higher and to avoid losing money they need to raise the prices of said products.

  9. Because fascist governments cost alot to run.

  10. The general price level always gos up ( inflation) because the fed and most central banks    increase the money supply  a little more than the economy grows. They do this  to  make sure that  prices do not fall (deflation) because economist believe that deflation   produce recessions and even depressions.  The last time prices went down was in the 1930's.

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