
Why do pro-choice people say it's a woman's right to do with her body what she wants but...?

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...if the baby was born and she lived all alone, and decided not to look after it, feed it, hold it etc. and the baby died as a result, that would be considered neglect and murder, yet she's doing with her body what she wants?




  1. she has a right to do what she wants to her own body . after the baby is born , it is a viable human being ... she does not have the right to do what she wants to the child ... at that point it is not a part of her body ... it is an independent  life.

  2. lol, that would be like saying since im a woman and i can do anything i want with my body, i can take a knife in my hand and walk with my legs to you and thrust my hand into you. and it would be ok, cuz im doing what i want with my body.

    once you do something with your body that affects another living breathing person, its not only your body. you are harming another person.

  3. Because once the baby is born it is considered a person in its own right, by our culture. And once that happens, harming the baby is considered illegal and immoral to all.

  4. Does ANYONE have carte blanche to do what they like with their own body? I think not. Nobody is an island, are they? Everything we do affects other people.

  5. Theres an additional hypocrisy in this area: Women demand the sole right to say what they will do with their bodies, and with any resulting products therof that they wish to come into existence, but then they demand that men pay them money to help take care of what the women ONLY decided would exist.

    If women want sole choice, sole responsibility for the consequence is a rightful part of that. Or,

    " Her body, her Choice... HER *responsibility*. "

  6. Kinda like the Nuremberg Laws.....both allowed murder.

  7. The problem is it isn't that cut and dry. Getting breast implants would be "doing what you want with your body", because it only affects you, abortion however affects the baby, AND the father. Even if you dont consider the baby to be a person, the father is, and i think if he has equal responsibility for caring for the child he should have some say in what happens to it, whether its for or against abortion.

    I at least wish they even had to TELL the man if she got an abortion, but they dont even have to do that, h**l, in some states they can even put the baby up for adoption AFTER birth without the man's consent or knowledge.

  8. the deciding in the 'decided not to look after it' is definetely neglect and has nothing to do with doing what she wants with her body

  9. well it doesn't have a say for your own body... and it seems you want to control the law so that it controls other womens bodies it's kinda wrong, think about it.

  10. Because according to the law in our country the baby is not a person until it is born, or reaches a stage in the pregnancy where it could survive if it was born at that point.

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