
Why do pro-choicers and pro-lifers oversimplify these statements?

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Pro-choice: "A woman can do whatever she wants with her body!"

Pro-life: "Abortion is MURDER!!!!"

I mean come on. It's not all black and white. Abortion is a complex issue, and it will take some sort of a moral compromise. You can't just go around calling people murderers and saying that a woman can do whatever she wants with her body.

With the first statement, yes to a certain degree a woman has the right to her body.She gives it up if she goes around getting abortions and using it as birth control. Also,after a certain time, like after 5 months, she doesn't really have a right to her body,because there's someone else growing inside of her

With the second statement,I find that to be a sick statement.It's debatable whether or not abortion is murder,but I think it would be inhumane to call a woman, who was raped and gets an abortion, a murderer. That's just wrong. That's a tough situation and to call someone who was raped a murderer is just not right.




  1. They give a simple answer to a complicated issue.

    Abortion laws need to be up to the state law. Liberal states can keep abortion while the conservative states make it illegal.

  2. Women can do what ever they want with their bodies. The problem arises when they decide that they are so inconvienienced that they must kill another human being. Its pretty simple.

  3. No, it's not debatable.  A woman who chooses to have an abortion knows exactly what she's doing.  She's choosing to kill the baby that's growing inside of her.  You can try to muddy the waters with the rape argument or the ontological argument, but the outcome is the same.

  4. Pro-choice means pro-choice.  Pro-life means anti-choice.  Period.

  5. Well one thing is for sure, you "over-simply" the differences!

    Saying a woman who terminates a pregnancy is a murderer is an absolute bunch of BS. A "fetus" will never be the medical definition of a "baby"! Ironic that those who are agains't a womans right to choose are also against helping women who DO carry to term! Why is that? Also the same people who think it is just fine to kill innocent men, women and children in Iraq! And they were all breathing!

    Being pro-choice has NOTHING to do with the "ACT" of terminating a pregnancy and has everything to do with keeping your religous beliefs (ones you never practice-not you personally) to yourself. Just because you believe it doesn't mean I have to! And many are such hypocrites anyway!

    I don't personally believe in abortion but there is only one person standing in those shoes, and none are you!

    Besides, the only "moral" abortion is your own!

  6. Abortion is essentially killing a baby inside yourself. There is no evidence to suggest that it is not. Whether you believe that is murder is up to you.

  7. I am Pro Life for me But pro choice for other women Pro choice doesn't mean an open invention for an abortion.Pro Life is Like China dictating how many children families are allowed to have

  8. Yes, they do over simplify a very complicated and very personal issue.

    What really annoys me though is that the "group" of individuals who are the most belligerent about being "pro-life" is also the one who is the most "pro-gun, " "pro-war," "pro-death penaly," and against funding to help mothers with raising their children (such as extended maternity leave, child care for working women, health benefits for children, etc. . .).  

    Just when Palin was presented as being "Strong pro-life and a life time NRA card carrier" Am I the only one that this statement is the perfect example of an oxymoron?????

  9. "@ gosam,you're an idiot. How the h**l is a 5 year old the same thing as a fetus? Get some brains please"

    HOw is a 5 year old not the same at a baby in a woman's womb? Its still a human being who is ALIVE. It get hungry, it sleeps, kicks and moves around. The fetus has a heart, lungs, eyes, mouth, nose, ears etc.

  10. Because there the most simple and hard to argue point either side can come up with. and I agree with you there has to a compromise  

  11. your mom goes to college

  12. If a woman chooses to kill her 5 year old, is that OK? If that's her choice? What about suicide? Shouldn't a woman, or man, have the same right to choose to kill themselves?

  13. It is a bit more complicated than the two statements as you say.  And yet ... what percentage of abortions are done due to rape and incest?  About 3%

    Almost funny to even mention it.

  14. I think too many people forget to think about the life that is already living...I think a lot of avid pro-lifers may have a different opinion if they became pregnant as the result of a rape or molestation.Or what if their doctor told them that having this child would kill them. I think people forget to think about the person that is actually here,and what they may be going through that would make them feel that this is the choice they must make.

    I also find it funny that so many people that are opposed to abortion are also against birth control and s*x education. Wouldn't it be nice if we could come together on this and do whatever we could to reduce the number of abortions,and maybe one day make them unecessary?

    also,if abortion is murder and all life is sacred then why are so many pro-lifers supporters of the death penalty?

  15. It's easier to argue simply when you're venting.  I agree with you, though.  I'm pro-life and I don't think that abortion is the same thing as shooting someone in the head.  Many people who get abortions are deeply concerned about it and make their decisions with care.

  16. Partial birth abortion, late term abortion, allowing babies to die when they could be saved because of a botched abortion IS murder. I believe life begins at conception, and no matter the circumstances it is never the babies fault, but I do support the womans right to choose in cases of rape, incest or danger to her life. Im not comfortable with killing a child, but Im not comfortable telling that woman she has to die or suffer the mental anguish of having a child produced becaue of perverted, vicious people either.

    Capital punishment is NOT on par with abortion. Those people made the choice to commit a crime worthy of being eliminated from society. Babies are innocent no matter how you view the abortion debate.

  17. I think both of the quoted statements are insensitive.  For me, the key issue is, whether you consider the fetus to be a living human being.  If it is, then intentionally killing it is wrong.  If it is not, then a woman has a right to choose.

  18. pro choice people say that a woman has the right to choose because that's what we believe.  we also assume that it is understood without being said that she can't choose illegal options.

    pro life people say that abortion is murder because they been brainwashed.

  19. It is a very complicated and life changing decision for a woman to make. Women throughout history have had to live with the stigma of making the decision to have an abortion, while the father of the child can turn away from the responsibility and not face the moral stigma that woman deal with.  Why are most Pro-Lifers men?  Once again, man wanting to rule over woman.  If only men could get pregnant!  Then, they will understand.  

  20. The problem is you just can't get around the fact the abortion stops a life, and not that of the woman consenting to have her baby killed.  We all have a right to our own lives, but even in cases of "self-defense" killings, the law has a very high standard for determining if lethal force is justified to save yourself.  If others (judge, jury, lawmakers) decide lethal force was unjustified, that killing is called a murder.

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