
Why do pro-lifers only vote for pro-lifers when it will have no effect whatsoever in overturning Roe V. Wade?

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Why do pro-lifers only vote for pro-lifers when it will have no effect whatsoever in overturning Roe V. Wade?




  1. You might what to rethink that. 3 of the Supreme Court Justices are older than Mccain. We are already holding on the Roe V Wade by a shoe string. If McCain is elected I truly believe it will be over turned.

    Just like presidents cases like Rove V Wade are voted on by the court. If we are not careful we may loss that vote also.

  2. I think it's the stench of dead babies that turns me off

  3. So do you just throw names in a hat and pick one to vote for or vote for the people you think shares your ideas?

  4. People have issues that are important to them.  I wouldn't base my vote solely on that issue but if someone else feels it is that important than who am I to tell them they are wrong..

  5. Because abortion has become politicized.  Which is really sad, it never should have been.  It's a personal issue - if you are against it, don't do it.  If you are ok with it, there's a safe way to do it.  Case closed.  But some people love legislating their values and forcing them on the rest of the country.

  6. I don't quite understand what you mean. Roe v. Wade is hanging on by a thread. One more pro-lifer on the supreme court, and R v. W is gone.

    Or, do you mean: "why do pro-lifers vote for pro-lifers only in situations in which Roe v. Wade won't be affected, but in situations in which R v. W may be overturned, they then don't necessarily vote for pro-lifers?"

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