
Why do punjabis in many states of India...speak in hindi?

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Why dont they speak their mother tongue?

just wondering........




  1. Nobody can bound anyone by speaking any language. It is choice of an individual to communicate in the language of his or her choice which they are comfortable with. English is not our mother tongue but we use it to communicate with wider group of people, if we use our own native languages here, we will not be able to send our message across other than very small group.

  2. because they're not in Punjab and they find it easier to communicate with other people from other parts if India using Hindi rather than Punjabi.

  3. cuz hindi is our national language.In any state any type of people can understand hindi easy than other languages.

  4. Why only Punjabis, I have seen many others non-Hindi speaking - speaking in Hindi so fluently. Also I have seen Punjabis speaking Marathi, Tamil, Kannad, Telegu, Malayalam, Assamese, Gujarati, English.....fluently in the respective areas.

    May be for the common convenience.

    May be adopting national language fast than others.

    May be Punjab - land surrounded by more Hindi speaking states.

  5. coz hindi is indias national language and every state has its own language so it is easier to communicate in hindi than punjabi

  6. what is the use of this question?

    why cant you let ppl speak what they want to speak.

    punjabi this and punjabi that

    leave the punjabis alone.

  7. hindi is r national language......every1 understands hindi may b fr thr own convenience they speak hindi....n wht is wrong in that........

  8. When you are in the company of people speeking different languages it is always better to communicate in common language which everyone understands

  9. punjabis speak to punjabis in punjabi.

    since...others cant understand punjabi...they speak to them in national language i.e hindi.

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