
Why do pyramids have 4 sides?

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I'm doing a project for school and the question is, why did ancient people choose the shape and for of a four sided sided pyramid for these great pyramids?




  1. 4 sides of pyramids describes that the king is protected from all four sides.

  2. Because if they had 5 sides they'd be Pentamids.

  3. why not?

  4. On Mars there is a pyramid with five sides.No kidding.It's been photographed by NASA in the Cydonia region and is known as the D&M pyramid.

  5. The base of a pyramid can be any polygon but is typically a square, leading to four non-base faces, all the  weight of the pyramid is on the base and  four sides make  it much stronger.

  6. The 4 sided pyramid has to do with sacred geometry.

    4 sides = square geometry. The square is referenced to the Earth, and it's cardinal points. Squaring of the circle as well, resides within the GP.

    above the square is Pentagram geometry, which the GP and several other pyramids make clear. Above the ground, many pyramids boast PHI or pentagram geometry.

    This is about the sacred relationship of geometry in the cosmos. The pyramid is interconnected in geometry throughout, thus showing a relationship of basic geometry using simple numbers. Angles and proportions can support each other, which DOES occur inside the pyramid.

    There is much more to this as well. In Nature, one can see a connection between 4 and 5 fold geometry very much in plantlife. This is nature. The pyramid speaks about nature.

    It could be a structural thing, for the test of time, but more importantly it is the sacred relationship of ascendance. 5 above the 4.....and upward.

  7. The great pyramid of Giza was built by Thoth and all the stones of each side of the pyramid add up to 365. It is a number associated with the time frame of the earth around the sun. The great pyramid is associated with the solar system. The other ones beside it are parallel to the pattern of constellation Orion the whole Giza plateau really.

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