
Why do....?

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why do people think that vegetarianism is wrong?




  1. My mom is doctor and now she's writing an essay about food 4 a degree and she doesn't let me not eat meat cause she says it's wrong and u can't egt enough proteins, but I think she didn't really checked it out the alternetives, other food that don't conatin meat and r better then meat itself

  2. Lack of education?

    Ignorance perhaps?

    There is nothing wrong with being vegetarian. It's better for your health, environment and the planet.

    Vegetarianism is a personal choice, and nobody should bash you for your dietary preference. =)

  3. They're just afraid of you because you are not like them.

    Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate...

  4. I'm not a veggie and I don't think it is wrong.  Whatever someone chooses to eat or not to eat is their business.

    In fact, the older I get the less meat I eat and I've almost cut red meat out of my diet altogether.  Purely because I think it is healthier not to eat it.

    On the other hand, I do not like being preached to by someone about what I should be eating or what I shouldn't be eating.  

    Perhaps the people you speak of are people you have preached to??  Just a thought.

    No one likes to be around someone who thinks it is their way and only their way and if everyone is not doing it their way than everyone not is wrong, wrong, wrong.

  5. People don't hate vegetariansm, they hate vegetarians. An ideology cannnot directly insult or harm people. But those who practice that ideology can. A lot of vegetarians put down other people who don't beleive in the same ideology. Look the first  answer: Immediately, they subscribe ignorance,and  lack of education. That is the height of arrogance. To assume that those who do not follow the same principles are automatically lacking in education or knowledge. So who do you think initially expressed the anger or hate or prejudice (and ignorance and lack of education and lack of manners to boot) when answering in this question? A vegetarian or a non vegetarian?

  6. Many people figure that since "our people" have been eating animals for so many years and the fact that we were born with sharp teeth, that we are suppose to eat animals.

    We know now that vegetarians can maintain a healthy diet without ever killing an animal to do it.

  7. Because it makes them realize how unhealthy their body is.

  8. The reason I think it's wrong is based on many observations, personal experience and the knowledge I gained. I am absolutely repulsed by this sick, twisted, uncultured western vision shared by vegetarians, only because I am attacked for my views by vegatarians who clearly think they are the right arm of justice in the world.

    I've lived in 3 continents and have been to over 40 countries and until you can experience life as I have, you need to set aside your iPods and get a little cultured perspective.

    I don't at all agree with the treatment of animals in our society, especially the way they are fed with injected hormones. Though nor do I support it as I ONLY buy organic. That applies to my fruits and produce as well. Do you have any idea how much pesticides and preservatives are used on the non-organic vegetables you eat?! There is a likelihood that any important vegetables from China and India are laced with DDT, which can be found in your precious imported green teas as well. DDT has been banned in the United States since 1972 but many countries use it, and guess what? You can get a small dose of it whenever you eat your "healthy" imported vegetables.

    This whole "pain" or slaughtering of innocent animals argument is really getting tiresome. Grow up already! Have you ever seen what happens out on safari? Trust me that animals go throw much more pain suffering then can be inflicted upon by humans and it happens a million times a day everywhere. Its nature people!

    But of course I'm sure some of you vegan idiots would sleep easier at night if you could kill the natural animal instinct of flesh eating species by feeding them blocks of tofu instead.

    Every Christmas I donate to charity by buying a pig for a family in Africa for the simple reason that is sustains the entire family by generating income or simply by feeding them. Sorry folks but because of global warming, poor irrigation, inefficiently-run governments and other ecological reasons these families are not going to get bushels of fresh vegetables and fruits to feed their families, only livestock can do that! Oh but I'm sure since you western vegetarians have the choice not to kill an innocent animal, then perhaps this makes you a little bit more righteous doesn't it??!

    As for "Health" reasons, just speak to an immunologist, or an educated nutritionist, or learn a little about science and evolution and you might gain a little insight. There is the theory that vegetarians are healthier then those who eat meat but that is simply not the case. This is an illusion as vegetarians are simply more health conscious in contrast to meat-eaters.

    I sat with a Native Indian family who kindly surprised me as they gave thanks literally to their meal, to the duck we were having. Why do they do this? Out of respect for the animal. You must understand that killing an animal is not done out of hatred. Native Indians show respect to animals that is simply beyond your understanding and that applies to animals they  even eat.

    What I experienced in my travels, exposure to new things, being invited to strangers homes is priceless. I can't even fathom putting forth this deviant ideology at the expense of sharing in ones culture and traditions.

    To be frank, I really don't care about your personal choice. I'm simply just ranting a personal view and hoping to light a flame in a few of you. You are clearly allowed to choose to do as you wish as long as you don't tread on my beliefs.

    I simply choose to live life to its fullest, which would involve many things including sipping a fine glass of Bordeaux while enjoying foie gras in a quaint countryside restaurant in France. That is the life I wish to lead.

    Good luck to you Lisa Simpson.

  9. Because they are ignorant.

    ig·no·rant (ĭg'nər-ənt)


       1. Lacking education or knowledge.

       2. Showing or arising from a lack of education or knowledge: an ignorant mistake.

       3. Unaware or uninformed.

  10. people are resistant to accept the unfamiliar out of selfishness and lack on knowledge

  11. Huh? Which people? I think it's right, so it can't be me.

  12. different BAD!

    fire bad... FIRE BAD!!!
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