
Why do????

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Parents speak in third person

"Mommy can we go play"

"Mommy is tired we'll go play tomarrow"




  1. Kids arn't as smart as adults. This is the language they can understand.

  2. Because pronouns are confusing to very young children.

    Some interesting reading:

  3. Pronouns are confusing. My half sister thought she was "I" and everyone else was "You". So If someone said I am going to take a shower now she would say"NO! THE SHOWER MAKES ME GO DOWN THE DRAIN I DONT WANT TO!"

  4. Because for children, especially very young children, the idea of people having multiple names/identities is too abstract.  Children understand who Mommy is, and it takes a while for them to get that "I" and "you" can mean different people (I mean me when I say it, you say I when you're talking about yourself).  

    Referring to yourself as Mommy can be annoying (I dislike referring to myself in the third person) but it's actually helpful to children who are in early verbal stages.

    Doing it past 4ish at the most is a bit much.

  5. So that they can make it simpler for their children to comprehend it and still act sweet.

  6. I only did that when my kids were very young because it was easier for them to understand but around 2 its definately time to stop doing that
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