
Why do................

by  |  earlier

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why do people always answer questions that are obviously bogus (yes im guilty of it myself from time to time) but i was just thinking about it and if we ignored these trolling individuals, they would get bored and go away, because there wouldnt be anyone left for them to get a rise out of :0)




  1. Because I really enjoy explaining to 12 year old trolls how to bath a baby in the toilet.  

  2. Simply to get the 2 points as if the number of points that you have actually means anything... but that's it the 2 points

  3. Because there is almost always someone who is experiencing the same situation as what the troll has posted.  Yes, the troll is just being stupid and funny and looking for attention.  But, I bet somewhere there is someone who thinks or does or is in the same spot as the situation the troll has used.

  4. My son, quite frequently, will sing random words together, make comments about conversations that really are nonsense and many other things just to hear himself talk. Most times, when people reply to these questions or even ask them it's just to hear themselves, no more no less.
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