
Why do questions that attempt to show the truth of global warming get deleted?

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Why do questions that attempt to show the truth of global warming get deleted?




  1. If you write a question without the insults and the rants, it won't get deleted. Deniers sometimes have a problem with the rules.

  2. folks like to live in what u dont know wont hurt u.

  3. Disingenuous presupposing non-question.  By the rules it should be deleted.

    YA is a free-for-all so who cares. I don’t and I don’t report.  It’s self-moderated so we have anarchy.  And the top answerer cheats.  If this was a moderated forum most of your stuff wouldn’t cut it.

    We have rational argument and real science vs. specious sophomoric nonsense.      

    I like this forum the way it is – the hucksters get exposed for what they are.

  4. The believers have them deleted.  They can't stand anyone showing how they're wrong.

    And no kudos for the Yahoo Answers people either, they're way too quick on the draw when it comes to deleting stuff.

  5. Depends on a couple of things. One is your definition of truth.

    Second did you write a question that violated the YA guidelines?

    I don't report anyone yet get reported frequently.

    Who cares?

  6. I think it's because some people just can't help being offensive and downright nasty in their vehement disdain for any notion or any person who evenly remotely thinks that human beings are impacting the planet in a negative way -- even if humans aren't the cause of the recent trends in global climate change - even if a rational person suggests doing something to prepare for it get's stomped on by a bunch of politicized, talk-radio regurgitation.

    There's a fine line between a "point of view" and just plain old boogey-man hate speach.  Comon.  Don't kid ourselves a ton of you are guilty.

    More evil though is the subtle persuader - the one who sounds as if he speaks the truth and panders to the lowest common intellectual denominator... shame on you.  You know who you are.  YES - You the one "quivering" in the corner with chunks of orange suspended in your red sugar mold.

    And the name calling, the labeling, the hypocracy - Folks it's downright stomach turning and maybe it should be deleted just based on the fact that it's now become boring, stupid and childish.

    One final theory:  Yahoo! is finally catching on that a lot of the folks particularly vehement are imposters.  You aren't 14 year old girls - you're filthy old men in a dark room somewhere attempting to stoke the fires and ensure the elitist status quo ruling power of this world stays intact.  

    Yeah - It's called a "think tank" and normal Americans don't belong.

    One of the tactics of the denialists/talk radio ditto heads:  Turn your argument against you.  So to preserve the status quo that Jello so loves - they have to convince people that the REAL money scheme is curbing pollution, protecting human health and the environment and promoting sustainable technology -- you know doing stuff to protect the planet.

    Sounds like a real money maker to me!!! Wow!!! Where do I sign up!  Cuz you know --you should feel bad if saving the earth becomes economically feasible.  Yeah... shame on you soft liberals.

  7. some humor at last.

    you are soo very new on the scene,

    such a fresh arrival

    you will discover that

    truth is not popular in America

    people prefer the lies they have grown up with and know.

    About global warming are many truths ,

    or so it appears


    And everybody thinks they are the ones who advocate the only real truth .Like most religious people do.

    Science today has been demoted to an opinion, it is not anymore  qualifications depending on results of investigations. and wild opinions have become very important.


    But still this is very hopeful , i did not think you were interested in truths ,

    And who is this person whose truthful questions get deleted.

  8. You mean like the ones asking if we should tax fat people?  I would prefer questions like that stayed up since they demonstrate quite eloquently the intellectual bankruptcy of most skeptics.  Perhaps it is not the scientists deleting those, but other skeptics doing the reporting since they are embarrassed that another skeptic would ask something so puerile.

  9. The purpose of YA is not to "show truth".  The purpose of asking questions is to learn something.  If you want to "show truth", show it in your answers.  If you're not interested in learning (and we all know you're not), then just don't ask questions.

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