
Why do "man's-fault" Global Warming theorists try to monopolize global warming? It IS getting warmer, but...

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...the warming is a natural trend.

Just because I believe that the global weather is getting warmer in recent decades, does NOT mean that I believe it is 100% man's fault, nor does it mean that I believe that warming and cooling on a global scale has never occured before.

Every debate with "man's fault" global warmer's I have goes like this:

Them: It's all our fault that Earth is warming.

Me: I think it's a natural trend.

Them: Can't you see that it is getting warmer?

Me: It's getting warmer overall during the last couple of decades.

Them: SEE! SEE! You can't argue with us then!

Me: But I don't think it's man's fault. I think that it's a natural trend, and it will eventually get cooler worldwide again.

By now, they've already walked away and they're not listening.




  1. why do we have nothing to worry about if it is Natural ,

    what an idiotic reasoning

    many believe that Whole civilizations may  have been totaly removed from the surface of this planet in the past because of Natural causes ,but this you people believe is nothing to worry about ,only if we get wiped out due to our own behaviour ,its threatening

    ,if we get wiped out by Natural causes ,i suppose that computes to Gods wishes for you guys,

    than its ok.

    Americans are mad ,---------now i am totaly convinced convinced


    The Earth has many problems because of man

    this is undeniable ,how much we are responsible for Global warming is debateble ,But there is a definate change in Global temperatures that is affecting nature in a bad way.

    this text only covers some aspects of Climate change ,mainly agriculture i.e.effects of deforestation and subsequent man made desertification

    water and air polution such as caused by

    industrial contamination ,the contaminating effects of the cities(the internal combustion engine) ,are other stories,

    and all of these are also man made ,such as the high industrial chimneys pumping contamination into the clouds and the burning of tires,some of this polution has been found in the ice in the polar regions

    there are natural cycles in the planets life

    but a lot is influenced by mans existance ,and this is increasing with overpopulation,putting strains on Natural resources and increasing contaminations as well as destructions of essential componants the ensure living conditions for all life forms

    climate change is caused in great parts by desertification ,and most desertification is caused by man

    the thinner ozone layer helps to speed this up.and this is caused mainly by air polution ,also as a result of mans actions

    in North Africa,India,Mexico ,millions of people are effected by land loss and desertification and some have died as a result,

    And now many animals are becoming sick because of changes in temperature ,

    vital links in the food chains are disapearing affecting other species further along in the chain

    90% of the feral (wild) bee population in the United States has died out.

    In the Netherlands bee diversity is down 80 percent in the sites researched, and that "bee species are declining or have become extinct in Britain."

    wildflowers that depend on pollination have dropped by 70 percent

    we are witness to a mass exstinction ,for the first time since the dinosaurs, of the earth's estimated 10 million species, 300,000 have vanished in the past 50 years. each years, 3,000 to 30,000 species become extinct.

    everything is happening so fast it is not possible to monitor things any more.

    ,the Sahara is growing by 7 kilometers a year

    and most of the desserts we know are a results of mans actions ,and they are increasing ,not getting less ,in the dinosaurs days ,there were few desserts.

    collectively this planet is drying up ,

    each degree rise in temperature means 10%crop loss

    and there is less and less water (because of deforestation),to irrigate this production ,

    and there are less and less farmers to do it..

    Arable lands and their farms are lost all over the globe. Many farmers sons abandon farming and head for the cities.

    Northern China is drying up, what once were millions of food producing people, are now hungry refugees ,running for their lives from the all consuming dust storms.

    This will have a great effect on world food prices when they start buying at what ever cost, to feed their people.

    The farmers that are left have to feed some 70 million more people than the year before but with less topsoil.

    Over the last half century,

    Population growth & rising incomes have tripled world grain demand from 640 million tons to 1,855 million

    In the near future the global farming community will not be able to feed every body ,food prices will continue to rise. .


    The northpole is melting ,and we will know it without ice in our life times.

    this does not affect the sea level because it is ice that is already in the water.but the melting ice from Green land and the south pole ,are another matter

    Global warming could be slowed down to some extent,but it will mean global co operation between all countries ,and taking into account human nature and the world politics ,it is unlikely that this will happen,

    At least not untill we are all in the middle of planetary disastres and it becomes a battle for the survival of humanity every where,instead of just some third world countries Source(s) here are a 100 ways to help

  2. Because the people who think it is all man's fault need the whole world to do what they say to accomplish their goals of reducing CO2 emissions. Having a reasonable discussion does not further that goal. Only scaring as many voters as possible into voting their way furthers their goal.

  3. People who don't listen to reason are just stupid. These sound like stupid people. I, like them, believe that it is PARTLY our fault, but not all our fault. There is a natural trend of global warming, but this is beyond what it has historically been. Therefore, some kind of outside influence must have acted on this cycle to cause this reaction. I say that it is partly due to humans.

  4. Most Global Warming theorists agree that global warming waxes and wanes by natural trends. The last couple of Ice Ages were, for example, not caused by mankind in any way.

    However, what the theorists are saying now is that the green house gas emissions are CONTRIBUTING to global warming.

    Which in plain terms mean that we can cause catastrophic events happen that are otherwise avoidable.

    So by cutting down on green house gases we might be able to dodge the bullet and get just a warmer period instead of something far far worse.

  5. If Global warming is natural then we don't have much to worry about. It is temporary and will go away when it is good and ready.

    If Global warming is not natural then we have something to worry about. It will continue to accelerate and will not stop until we take action to change our behavior.

    To address Global warming will cost significant money. One of these options is low risk and the other is high risk to our survival, and this is the reason why the debate becomes emotive.

  6. Forget the "logical" arguments on either side.  Just look at the data.  The sun is about 10% of the problem.

    "I wasn’t convinced by a person or any interest group—it was the data that got me. I was utterly convinced of this connection between the burning of fossil fuels and climate change. And I was convinced that if we didn’t do something about this, we would be in deep trouble.”

    Vice Admiral Richard H. Truly, USN (Ret.)

    Former NASA Administrator, Shuttle Astronaut and the first Commander of the Naval Space Command

    Scientists aren't listening to logical arguments.  They're looking at the data.  Which is why:

    "There's a better scientific consensus on this [climate change] than on any issue I know - except maybe Newton's second law of dynamics.  Global warming is almost a no-brainer at this point,You really can't find intelligent, quantitative arguments to make it go away."

    Dr. Jerry Mahlman, NOAA

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