...the warming is a natural trend.
Just because I believe that the global weather is getting warmer in recent decades, does NOT mean that I believe it is 100% man's fault, nor does it mean that I believe that warming and cooling on a global scale has never occured before.
Every debate with "man's fault" global warmer's I have goes like this:
Them: It's all our fault that Earth is warming.
Me: I think it's a natural trend.
Them: Can't you see that it is getting warmer?
Me: It's getting warmer overall during the last couple of decades.
Them: SEE! SEE! You can't argue with us then!
Me: But I don't think it's man's fault. I think that it's a natural trend, and it will eventually get cooler worldwide again.
By now, they've already walked away and they're not listening.