
Why do "palestinians" manipulate and censor press coverage?

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Whereas the Israelis such as left-wing B'Tselem even gives free video cameras to "palestinians", the Arabs attempt to cover up things.

In the Ramallah lynching of two young Israelis, according to firsthand reports, a Polish television crew was surrounded by Palestinian security forces, beaten and relieved of their film of the brutal event.

"I saw how a youth tried to prevented [sic] -- prevented my crew from shooting this footage. My cameraman was beaten."- Said a Polish TV reporter named Wadislaw (full name not revealed).

In the same lynching, a British photographer, Mark Seager wrote in London's Sunday Telegraph Oct. 22: "I was composing the picture when I was punched in the face by a Palestinian. Another Palestinian pointed right at me, shouting 'no picture, no pictures,' while another guy hit me in the face and said, 'Give me your film.' One guy just pulled the camera from me and smashed it to the floor."

Mark Seager also stated "It was murder of the most barbaric kind. When I think about it, I see that man's head, all smashed. I know that I'll have nightmares for the rest of my life. I now know, after seeing the rage, the hate, in their [the mob's] eyes, there will probably never be peace in this region."

Veteran Italian TV reporter Riccardo Cristiano's nose was broken, his cheek gashed, and he almost lost the use of his right eye, as an enraged Palestinian mob almost lynched him as well.

Palestinian sources claimed that the men were armed and "dressed in civilian clothes, apparently on an undercover operation", but their bodies in military uniform can clearly be seen in photographs and in video footage broadcast later on the TV (they were non-combatant IDF reservists who served as on-duty drivers who wandered into Ramallah by mistake, were dragged into a Palestinian police station and murdered).




  1. Cause they are so rich and have so much world power?

  2. They want everyone to be good to them. and if you are not, you could get hurt

  3. I have been trying to post the original article from 2001 which this comes from but the yahoo system seems not to want to let me. I can't figure out why.

    www. worldnetdaily. com/ news / article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=21936

  4. r u crazy? dumb? or just plain stupid? the jews control most the media and they dont "give" us anything! this is just someone bored writing about something so they can "scare" u. but any good person with common seance wont label a whole group of people.  

  5. Because they have the power,the money ,the connections. No one but you and I are onto to it yet but see, there is a vast Muslim conspiracy to take over the world by taking over the press.

    Every other by-line an Arab name - their fingerprints of every piece of newsprint.

    Frankly your questions sounds like an anti-Arab version of the Protocals of Zion.  


    I don't see where he said the Pals control world press.

    He said Pals coverup .  different thing.

  7. I can answer only by stating that Palestinians are not really known for dominating the international media. I gather you are not really asking a question but rather trying to make a point; check our rules and guidelines on that. You can't answer your own question.

    My answer; so far as I know,there is no influence or control over press coverage of the Palestinian Territories by global Palestinian elements within the media.

  8. because jews control the world and take everybody's money

    death to israel allahhhhu akbar  stopshaving for 2 years!!muhammad allah!

    they control everything!!!

    example - last week, my gf decided to take control. which was nice because she usually never does. but she did. it was hot.

    she didnt take my money tho. that would been a turn off. then again, she doesnt need to take it, i spend it all on her anywayz! LOLZZZZZZZ

    no but i should stop seriously, just cuz i have money doesnt mean i should spend a lot. gotta saveeeeeeeee.

  9. The simple answer is because the Palestinians know that if this story gets out it doesn't do them any favours in the eyes of the world. This would a major blow in the propaganda war.

  10. Because the world buys it.

  11. Personally,I had no idea Palestinian-Americans had so much clout in the media they could "censor" a story. Frankly I don't know of a single Palestinian journalist in America,although there are commentators you see on tv,very occasionally.

    25& of all U.S. journalists are jewish according to the Columbia School of Journalism; we have to go to BBC Online for serious Mideastern coverage.

    I'm not sure where you got the notion that Palestinians are exercising vast control over the international press. That's news to me,pardon the pun.

    Perhaps a source would be a good idea.  

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